José Ramírez III (1922-1995) / ホセ・ラミレス 3世【 ギター製作家 】

José Ramírez III (1922-1995) / ホセ・ラミレス 3世【 ギター製作家 】

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ホセ・ラミレス 3世:ギター製作の巨匠







































ホセ・ラミレス 3世





























































































































































































Manuel Alonso, Cayetano Alvarez, Jose Luis Alvarez(ホセ・ルイス・アルバレス),
Paulino Bernabe(パウリーノ・ベルナベ), Carlos Blanco, Enrique Borreguero,
Manuel Caceres(マヌエル・カセレス), Alfonso Contreras(アルフォンソ・コントレラス),
Pedro Contreras, Josef Lores, Juan Grcia, Manuel Gonzales, Juan Miguel, Pedro Gimenez,
Jose Lopez, Carmelo Loerona, Miguel Malo(ミゲール・マーロー),
Felix Manzanelo(フェリックス・マンサネロ),
Pedro Manzanuelo, Ignacio Rozas(イグナシオ・ローサス), Antonio Marinez, Julian Rodriguez,
Ramon Soler, Teodor Perez(テオドール・ペレス), Manuel Rodriguez(マヌエル・ロドリゲス),
Jose Garrido, Arturo Sanzano, Mariano Tezanos(マリアーノ・テサーノス)






















1962年 シカゴギター協会金貨

1962年 マドリード商工会議所銅貨

1968年 ローマギター文化センター名誉会員

1972年 マドリード製作家協会金賞

1983年 サンティアゴコンボステラ名誉会員

1986年 マドリード伝統芸術家賞

1987年 マドリード商工会議所センチュリーエムプレサデイプロマ

1987年 パリ教育文化省デイアパソンオドール賞








Jose Ramirez ホセ・ラミレス3世 1965年製 M.T. Stamp 松・ハカランダ 664mm








In English







José Ramírez III: Master guitar maker





José Ramírez III is a member of the Ramírez family, one of Spain’s leading guitar makers.


In the early 1960s, he brought about a revolutionary change in guitar making.


He attempted to break with conventional concepts by using red cedar for the faceplate, enlarging the body and increasing the string length to 664 mm.


These improvements gave the Ramírez guitar a louder, distinctive, sweeter tone that attracted guitarists from all over the world.


Andres Segovia’s favourite guitarist made the Ramírez guitar a household name.


Segovia’s playing and the rich, incomparable tone of the Ramirez guitar resonated around the world, making it a favourite of many guitarists.


The sound, known as the Ramirez tone, continues to capture the hearts of guitar lovers to this day.







History of Ramirez




The advanced manufacturing techniques developed by José Ramírez I were passed on to the second generation, and it was during the third generation, when innovative improvements were made to the internal structure of the guitar, that the fame of the ‘Ramírez’ was established worldwide.


Ramírez guitars are widely used by the world’s top performers, including the maestro Andrés Segovia.


The skills and traditions have been passed down to the 4th generation, then to Amalia Ramirez and the 5th generation.








José Ramírez, 3rd generation.




José Ramírez III was a revolutionary innovator in guitar construction and a major influence on later guitar makers.


Born in 1922, he returned to Madrid from Buenos Aires with his father at the age of three.


In 1940, at the age of 18, he entered the Ramírez family’s hereditary workshop and began to study conventional guitars and improve their sound.







José Ramírez III and Segovia




In 1952, he met Segovia for the first time at a party and their long association began.


Segovia had replaced his 1912 Manuel Ramirez with a 1937 Hauser.


This 1937 Hauser is in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum in New York.


The construction of the surface plate was similar to the Torres pattern, but the plate was thicker and had many reinforcements.


It is said to have been donated by Segovia before his death, but shows signs of heavy use.


At the time, King III regretted that Segovia had given his uncle’s guitar a rest, preferring to use a Hauser guitar. He wanted to make a guitar that Segovia would like and play.


In 1960, one of the guitars made by Ramírez III was chosen by Segovia.


The first four guitars prototyped in 1963 with red cedar surface plates were put into Segovia’s hands.


Segovia chose one of them and replaced the guitar he had been using.


From 1965 onwards, several of Ramirez’s new guitars were tested by Segovia while being used in concert.


A guitar made in 1967 was used in Segovia’s concerts for about three years, after which several guitars came and went from Segovia’s house.


In 1974 and 1975, Fleta guitars were used in concert, but they could not withstand the harsh dryness of the USA and returned to Ramirez III guitars, which Segovia used until his death.








Features of Ramirez guitars.




The string length was extended to 664 mm (previously the mainstream was 650-655 mm), with a larger, thicker body and thicker, thicker neck.


The guitar has a unique structure that differs from conventional guitars, such as the use of American cedar for the surface board for the first time and a double-layer construction with rosewood and sheepskin (later to become sycamore) laminated together for the side board.


Synthetic resins were also introduced as glue and paint to increase durability and tonal stability.


In order to maintain quality, he was thorough in carrying out all major processes in his own workshop.


The quintessence of Ramírez III was the consistent production of these concert instruments at a high level of several hundred per year.


The highly successful Ramírez III guitars were widely accepted by newcomers to the classical guitar and established the Ramírez name as a global brand.





Guitar improvements




The three main points of Ramirez III’s groundbreaking success in improving guitars can be divided into three main areas: string length, construction and paint.


Many guitar makers have attempted to study the string length of guitars in the past, and nowadays guitars of around 650 mm are common.


Torres used a string length of 650 mm, but considering the conditions at the time, and the fact that literature was not available, and that he set a string length of 650 mm at that time, he was an excellent foresighted maker.


Manuel Ramirez used 655 mm, Santos Hernández mostly 659 mm, Domingo Esteso 655 mm, Hermann Hauser 650 mm and 640 mm, mainly 650 mm.


Ramírez III judged that a string length of 664 mm was ideal for the sound, given the internal structure of the body, the sound hole and the position of the pieces.


However, when considering ease of playing, 650 mm was favoured, and 650 mm has become the preferred length in recent years.





Adoption of redcedar




In 1963, Ramírez III followed up on the string length by applying a double layer of shepherd’s wood planks inside the body, which significantly improved the sound quality.


In the same year, he made the groundbreaking move of using red cedar instead of the traditional pine for the guitar’s surface board.


Although pine was generally used for the surface boards of stringed instruments, Ramírez III recognised the potential of red cedar and, after a series of prototypes, succeeded in producing a guitar with a soft, sweet tone with a rich volume.


Narciso Yepes played this new guitar on a tour of Japan, attracting a great deal of attention.


This innovative experiment had a great impact on other makers, and many well-known makers, such as Ignacio Fleta, Hernández y Aguado, Marcelino López and Hermann Hauser, adopted the redcedar.


However, López, Aguado and Hauser had less success than with pine wood.


Ramírez III red cedar guitars attracted guitarists with their powerful, rich volume and soft, sweet tone, which was different from pinewood guitars.


Pinewood guitars, on the other hand, were described as cool, transparent and expressive in tone.


The heyday of the red cedar guitar continued for a while, but gradually more and more guitarists began to favour the pinewood guitar. However, some makers, such as Ramirez and Fleta, still enjoy popularity with red cedar.


Wood changes its sound with age. Some old Ramírez III guitars have an amazingly great tone.


There were rumours that Red Seder guitars were short-lived, but even guitars over 30 years old often sound rather good.


However, guitars with extremely thin surface plates may deteriorate in sound over time.










Paint is one of the most important and complex elements of a stringed instrument.


It has long been said that the secret of the Stradivarius violin lies in its paint, and many researchers are trying to unravel the mystery.


It is believed that an oil-based varnish is used, but the challenge is that it takes a long time to dry completely.


In Spain, alcohol-based serac has been used to paint guitars.


Ramírez III, who was not satisfied with the serac varnish, found a synthetic paint based on urea resin in Germany and adopted it for painting guitars.


This paint had a shorter drying time than the serac varnish and produced Ramírez’s uniquely rich volume and glossy, brilliant tone.


Ramírez III also initially offered Segovia a guitar finished with oil varnish, but the varnish did not dry completely and the case hairs stuck to the guitar.


The coating with urea resin, which broke with traditional guitar conventions, was widely accepted by ordinary guitarists and became a favourite of Segovia.








Workshop and apprentices





During the 1960s and 1970s, demand for Ramirez guitars increased, and III moved to a modern factory, increased the number of apprentices and established a large-scale production system.


Guitars produced in a humidity-controlled environment, combining natural and forced drying, gained worldwide acclaim.


Under the guidance of III, his apprentices produced homogeneous guitars with a high level of technical skill.


This led to a growing demand for the work of a particular craftsman, relying on the maker’s initials engraved on the inside of the guitar.


However, in response to this situation, stamping was later discontinued.


As the worldwide guitar boom settled down, the Ramírez workshop was reduced in size and returned to a small group of craftsmen.


The historic workshop, where guitars have been made for over 100 years, has remained a sacred place for Ramírez guitars for many enthusiasts ever since.


Ramirez guitars were introduced to Japan in the 1930s and have been used by many guitarists.


In 1954, Ramirez III’s work was imported to Japan in earnest and became instantly popular.


‘MT’ are the initials of Mariano Tesanos, and in the 1960s the initials of the craftsman in charge of the production were engraved inside the guitar.








Disciples of Ramírez III.





Manuel Alonso, Cayetano Alvarez, Jose Luis Alvarez,.
Paulino Bernabe, Carlos Blanco, Enrique Borreguero,.
Manuel Caceres, Alfonso Contreras, Alfonso Contreras
Pedro Contreras, Josef Lores, Juan Grcia, Manuel Gonzales, Juan Miguel, Pedro Gimenez,.
Jose Lopez, Carmelo Loerona, Miguel Malo,.
Felix Manzanelo,.
Pedro Manzanuelo, Ignacio Rozas, Antonio Marinez, Julian Rodriguez,.
Ramon Soler, Teodor Perez, Manuel Rodriguez,.
Jose Garrido, Arturo Sanzano, Mariano Tezanos








Late years and deaths




In 1988, a year after the death of his greatest benefactor Segovia, III retired from the family business at the age of 65 and is said to have lived a life of disappointment from then on.


José Ramírez III, who made a great contribution to the world of guitar making, passed away on 2 March 1995 at the age of 72.


José Ramírez IV (1953-2000) continued his father’s great work in guitar making, and after his death, Amalia Ramírez, daughter of Ramírez III, continues to make guitars and manage the workshop.












1962 Gold Coin of the Guitar Society of Chicago
1962 Bronze Coin of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid
1968 Honorary Member of the Guitar Cultural Centre of Rome
1972 Gold Medal of the Madrid Guitar Makers’ Association
1983 Honorary Member of the Santiago Combo Stella
1986 Award of Traditional Artists of Madrid
1987 Century Empresa de Diploma of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid
1987 Dayapason Odor Prize, Ministry of Education and Culture, Paris







José Ramírez III (1922-1995) / ホセ・ラミレス 3世【 ギター製作家 】
>Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel in JAPAN: (070) 1402-6029 (iMessage) - Email: - (US Text): WhatsApp Contact QR code in “CONTACT” below

Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel in JAPAN: (070) 1402-6029 (iMessage) - Email: - (US Text): WhatsApp Contact QR code in “CONTACT” below