Dionisio Aguado (1784-1849) / ディオニシオ・アグアド – Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】

Dionisio Aguado (1784-1849) / ディオニシオ・アグアド - Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】


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Dionisio Aguado (1784-1849) / ディオニシオ・アグアド – Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】





















































































ディオニシオ・アグアドとフェルナンド・ソルは、友情を記念して「レ・ドゥ・ザミ(Les Deux Amis)」というギターデュオを結成した。このデュオは、二人のギター技術の融合を象徴するものであり、彼らの深い友情と音楽的な共鳴を示すものだった。彼らの演奏は、その時代のギター音楽に新たな息吹をもたらし、後の世代にも影響を与える。


























アグアドの作品 華麗なる小品から大作まで




















不朽の名作 教本と練習曲
































フェルナンド・ソル / Fernando Sor(1778-1839): GUITARIST スペイン・バルセロナ






ソルは二人のために「2人の友(Les Deux Amis)」という重奏用の曲を作曲している。

























* Op. 1 : Douze Valses
* Op. 2 : Trois Rondo Brillants
* Op. 3 : Huit Petites Pièces
* Op. 4 : Six Petites Pièces
* Op. 5 : Quatre Andantes et Quatre Valses
* Op. 6 : Nuevo Método de Guitarra (1834)
* Op. 7 : Valses Faciles
* Op. 8 : Contredanses et Valses Faciles
* Op. 9 : Contredanses non difficiles
* Op. 10 : Exercices Faciles et Très Utiles
* Op. 11 : Les Favorites – Huit Contredanses
* Op. 12 : Six Menuets & Six Valses
* Op. 13 : Morceaux Agréables non difficiles
* Op. 14 : Dix Petites Pièces non difficiles
* Op. 15 : Le Menuet Affandangado
* Op. 16 : Le Fandango Varié
* Allegro
* Coleccion De Andantes, Valses Y Minuetos
* Douze Walses, Une Marche Militaire, Et Un Theme Varie
* Escuela de Guitarra (1825)
* Gran Solo (Fernando Sor’s Op.14, Arr. by Aguado)
* Muestra De Afecto Y Reconocimiento (Seis Valses)
* Valses Caracteristiques
* Variaciones
* Variaciones Brillantes










In English





Dionisio Aguado (1784-1849) – Classical Guitarist





Master guitarist who laid the foundations of the classical guitar.


Musician born in Madrid.


Dionisio Aguado was a composer, pianist and guitarist born in Madrid, Spain. He would later become an important figure in laying the foundations of the classical guitar.





Boy born into a musical family


Aguado was born into a musical family, with a prominent Madrid pastor as his father. He showed musical talent from an early age and learnt the basics of music under the pastor Basilio at the university in Madrid.




Encounter with Miguel García


Later, Aguado studied with an outstanding teacher, Miguel García. García greatly developed Aguado’s talent and laid the foundations for his later career.





Establishes the foundations of guitar technique




Aguado is known as the man who established the foundations of guitar technique. His innovative technique greatly influenced later guitarists and laid the foundations for the modern classical guitar.




Later years as a guitar educator




In his later years, Aguado returned to his native Madrid and devoted himself to the training of younger players. The instructional books he wrote are still used by many guitarists today as essential reading for learning the basics of six-string guitar technique.












Escape from Spain and self-taught path




In 1803, after losing his father, Dionisio Aguado and his mother moved to Aranjuez, a suburb of Madrid, to avoid the Napoleonic Wars. His life in Aranjuez provided him with a major opportunity to pioneer guitar techniques on his own. It was here that Aguado made important developments in classical guitar technique that would have a profound influence on subsequent guitar music.





Encounter with Miguel Garcia




Aguado studied under Miguel García, who taught him not only the guitar but also music in general. The encounter with García was pivotal in Aguado’s musical development and allowed him to further hone his guitar playing skills. Under Garcia’s influence, Aguado grew in confidence as a guitarist, which later led him to write his own instructional book.





The birth of a book that would go down in history




In 1824, Dionisio Aguado published The Guitar Instruction Book. This textbook was an important reference for guitarists of the time, as it provided detailed explanations of the techniques and theories of guitar playing. Aguado’s textbooks were highly influential in guitar teaching and continued to be used for generations to come.





Brilliant days in Paris




In 1825, Aguado visited Paris to work on the French translation of The Guitar Instruction Book. He would stay in Paris for more than ten years, where he would make friends with many musicians and intellectuals. Living in Paris provided Aguado with the opportunity to expand his new musical horizons and had a profound influence on his work.





Meeting Sol: a guitar duo that will go down in history


During his stay in Paris, Aguado developed a close friendship with such renowned musicians as Rossini, Paganini and Berlini. In particular, he developed a very close relationship with guitarist Fernando Sor, with whom he lived in the same flat. They inspired each other in technique and composition, and their friendship was reflected in their music.




Dionisio Aguado and Fernando Sol formed a guitar duo called Les Deux Amis to commemorate their friendship. The duo symbolised the fusion of their guitar skills and demonstrated their deep friendship and musical resonance. Their performances brought new life to the guitar music of their time and influenced future generations.





Dionisio Aguado’s invention, the ‘tripodion’




Dionisio Aguado invented a device called the ‘tripodion’ to solve the problem of resonance in guitar playing. This innovative device was designed to prevent the sound resonance from being attenuated by the instrument touching the body while playing the guitar. It was an important attempt to bring out a purer sound for guitarists.




The tripodion is a device used to secure the back and sides of the instrument so that they do not come into direct contact with the player’s body when playing the guitar. This fixation minimises the absorption of the instrument’s resonance by the body and preserves a richer tone. Aguado’s invention presented new possibilities in guitar playing at the time.





Sor’s support and the barriers of his time




Fernando Sor spoke highly of Aguado’s tripodion and endorsed its effectiveness. However, it did not receive sufficient recognition from other musicians and critics. As a result, the tripodion fell out of use after a short period and disappeared from music history.





Aguado’s works, from brilliant small pieces to large works


Dionisio Aguado’s works are diverse. The Three Brilliant Rondos, Op. 2, and Fandango and Variations, Op. 16, are his best-known works, but there are also numerous other light pieces such as waltzes and minuets. These works demonstrate the diversity and expressiveness of Aguado’s music and occupy an important place in the classical guitar repertoire.




Introduction to the Guitar, which laid the foundations for guitar education.




Aguado’s seminal work, An Introduction to the Guitar, was first published in 1825. This instructional book covers everything from the basics of guitar playing to advanced techniques and has long been appreciated in the field of guitar education. The fact that reprints are still available today shows that its value has not faded.




Enduring masterpieces Teaching books and exercises




Many of Dionisio Aguado’s works were published after his death. These works are still highly regarded today in the field of guitar teaching, especially his didactic books and exercises, which are recognised for their pedagogical value. Aguado’s works are widely appreciated not only by guitar players but also by music educators.





The great and difficult ‘Rondo’


Among Dionisio Aguado’s works, the ‘Rondo’ is known as a particularly difficult piece. It is a challenging piece for guitarists, as it is technically demanding and requires a high degree of skill from the performer. This piece, in which Aguado’s compositional skills are at their best, occupies an important place in the classical guitar repertoire.





Sor and Aguado.




Dionisio Aguado and Fernando Sol are two of the most famous Spanish guitarists of the early 19th century. At the time, the six-string guitar was beginning to become popular, and the two were twins in the world of the guitar.





Contrasting playing styles




However, their playing styles were very different. Aguado adopted a fingernail style of playing, characterised by a strong, clear tone. Sols, on the other hand, preferred to play the strings with their fingertips instead of using their fingernails, producing a softer, smoother tone. Despite being the same instrument, the music they played had a completely different sound depending on how they played it.





Deep friendship




Despite their different playing styles, a deep friendship existed between Sor and Aguado.

Sor composed a piece for duet called ‘Les Deux Amis’ (The Two Friends) for them.


This piece symbolises their friendship and musical resonance and shows that they recognised each other

Sor and Aguado were both musicians and musicians of the same generation. Sor and Aguado were deeply connected through their music and this bond is reflected in their work.





Return to home and a quiet end




In 1838, Dionisio Aguado returned to his native Spain from France, where he had stayed for many years.

He then spent the rest of his life in Madrid. He was 65 years old.


Dionisio Aguado was one of the most important guitarists of the 19th century and contributed greatly to the development of guitar music.

He contributed greatly to the development of guitar music.

His works are still played by guitarists all over the world, and his music continues to capture the hearts of people.

The music continues to capture the hearts and minds of people.

Dionisio Aguado (1784-1849) / ディオニシオ・アグアド - Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】
>Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel: 070-1402-6029 (Japan) - US (Text Only): 1 (203) 947-8315 / Email: guitarsho@yahoo.com

Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel: 070-1402-6029 (Japan) - US (Text Only): 1 (203) 947-8315 / Email: guitarsho@yahoo.com