Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856) / ヨハン・カスパール・メルツ – Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】

 Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856) / ヨハン・カスパール・メルツ - Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】

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 Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856) / ヨハン・カスパール・メルツ – Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】











ヨハン・カスパル・メルツ: 「ギターのメンデルスゾーン」




















































1840年までに、彼はウィーンに進出しました。ウィーン(c.1840 ~ 1856)では、A・ディアベリ、M・ジュリアーニ、ヴェンツェスラウス・マティエッガ、サイモン・フランツ・モリターなど、ギターのいろいろな著名な人物の中で、彼は活発に活動し自らの評判を確立しました。



























































その中でも特筆すべきは、1847年に出版された「吟遊詩人 Op.13」。




















































































  • 吟遊詩人 Op.13
  • カプリッチョ Op.1
  • ファンタジア Op.14
  • 「ハンガリー風幻想曲」
























•3つの小品 Op. 65
 3 Morceaux, Op. 65•
•3つの小品 Op. 65 – 第1曲 ハンガリー幻想曲
 3 Morceaux, Op. 65, No. 1, “Fantaisie hongroise”•
•3つの夜想曲Op. 4
 3 Nocturnes, Op. 4•
•6つのレントラー「イシェルの思い出」 Op. 12
 6 Ländler, Op. 12, “Erinnerung an Ischl”•
•6つのレントラー Op. 9
 6 Ländler, Op. 9•
•Am Graben der Geliebten (2つのギター編)
 Am Graben der Geliebten (version for 2 guitars)•
•Cyanen als folge der Nachtviolen Op. 5
 Cyanen als folge der Nachtviolen, Op. 5•
•歌劇「リゴレット」の主題によるディヴェルティメント Op. 60 (編曲:B.B. バッガー)
 Divertissement uber Motive der Oper Rigoletto, Op. 60 (arr. B.B. Bagger)•
•Einsiedlers Waldgloecklein (編曲:B.B. バッガー)
 Einsiedlers Waldgloecklein (arr. B.B. Bagger)•
•ヴェニスの謝肉祭 Op. 6
 Le Carneval de Venice, Op. 6•
•Manuscripts from the Bojie Collection
•Wasserfahrt am Traunsee (編曲:B.B. バッガー)
 Wasserfahrt am Traunsee (arr. B.B. Bagger)•
•Works Published by Freie Vereinigung zum Forderung guter ギターremusik
 Works Published by Freie Vereinigung zum Forderung guter Guitarremusik•
 Einsiedler Waldglocklein•
•アガーテ Op. 22, No. 1 (V.I. モルコフによる7弦ギター編)
 Agathe, Op. 22, No. 1 (arr. V.I. Morkov for 7-string guitar)•
 Caprice sur un theme favori de Carl Maria de Weber•
•ヴェニスの謝肉祭 Op. 6
 Le Carnaval de Venise, Op. 6•
•オペラレビュー Op. 8
 Opern-Revue Op. 8•
•オリジナル・シュタイアー舞曲 Op. 33
 Original Steyer Tanze, Op. 33•
•協奏的大幻想曲「La Rage」
 Grande Fantaisie Concertante, “La Rage” (The Rage)•
•吟遊詩人の調べ Op. 13
 Bardenklange, Op. 13•
•吟遊詩人の調べ Op. 13
 Bardenklange, Op. 13 (version for 2 guitars) (excerpts)•
•吟遊詩人の調べ Op. 13
 Bardenklange, Op. 13 (arr. for recorder and guitar)•
•幻想曲 イ長調
 Fantasie in A Major•
 Pianto dell’Amante•
 Guitar Concertino•
•序奏とロンド・ブリアンテ Op. 11
 Introduction et Rondo Brillant, Op. 11•
 Souvenir de Choulhoff•
 Ständchen (Serenade)•
 Pensee fugtive•
 Deutsche Weise (German Air)•
 Wasserfahrt am Traunsee (Boat Trip on the Traunsee) (arr. for 2 guitars)•
•舟歌 Op. 41
 Barcarolle, Op. 41•
•バルカロール Op. 41 (2つのギター編)
 Barcarolle, Op. 41 (version for 2 guitars)•
 Nanien Trauerlieder (Funeral Laments)•
 Hungarian Fantasy•
•ハンガリーの花 Op. 1
 Ungarische-Bluthen, Op. 1•
•ポロネーズとマズルカ Op. 3
 Polonaises and Mazurkas, Op. 3•
•マズルカ Op. 40
 Mazurka, Op. 40•
•マズルカ Op. 40 (2つのギター編)
 Mazurka, Op. 40 (version for 2 guitars)•
 An Malvina•
 Vespergang (Going to Vespers) (version for 2 guitars)•
 Harmonie du soir•
•夜咲きすみれ Op. 2
 Nachtviolen, Op. 2•
 La Rimembranza•
•練習曲集「Boijie 391」
 Etuden, “Boijie 391″•
 Le Romantique•
•ワルツ Op. Posth
 Walzer, Op. Posth•
•3 Duos for 2 Guitars, Op.38
Auswahl der beliebtesten Tänze von Johann Strauss II, WoO 4
Barcarole, Op. 41 (arr. B.B. Bagger)
Divertissement uber Motive der Oper Rigoletto
Lied von Franz Abt, Op. 22
Mazurka, Op. 40 (arr. B.B. Bagger)
Ständchen (Serenade) (arr. for guitar)
Wasserfahrt am Traunsee
•シューベルト: 6つのシューベルト歌曲
 6 Schubertian Songs (arr. J. Mertz for guitar)•
•シューベルト: 涙の賛美 Op. 13, No. 2, D. 711 (E. ロレンツ、J.K. メルツによるギター編)
 Lob der Tränen, Op. 13, No. 2, D. 711 (arr. E. Lorentz and J.K. Mertz for guitar)•
•シューベルト: Schwanengesang, D. 957 (arr. E. Lorentz and J.K. Mertz for guitar)
 Schwanengesang, D. 957 (arr. E. Lorentz and J.K. Mertz for guitar)•
•シューベルト: Schwanengesang, D. 957 (arr. J.K. Mertz for voice and guitar)
 Schwanengesang, D. 957 (arr. J.K. Mertz for voice and guitar)•
•シューベルト: Winterreise Op. 89 D. 911:第13番. Die Post (E. ロレンツ、J.K. メルツによるギター編)
 Winterreise, Op. 89, D. 911: No. 13. Die Post (arr. E. Lorentz and J.K. Mertz for guitar)•
•シューベルト: アルペジオーネ・ソナタ イ短調 D. 821 (J.K. メルツによる2つのギター編)
 Arpeggione Sonata in A Minor, D. 821, “Arpeggione” (arr. J.K. Mertz for 2 guitars)•
•シューベルト: セレナード Op. 135, D. 920 (編曲:J.K. メルツ)
 Standchen (Serenade), Op. 135, D. 920 (arr. J.K. Mertz)•
•シューベルト: 涙の賛美 Op. 13, No. 2, D. 711 (編曲:メルツ)
 Lob der Tränen, Op. 13, No. 2, D.
711 (arr. J.K. Mertz for guitar)•
•シューベルト: 白鳥の歌 D. 957 – 第10番 漁師の娘(編曲:J.K. メルツ)
 Schwanengesang, D. 957 (arr. J.K. Mertz for voice and guitar)•
•シューベルト: 白鳥の歌 D. 957 (編曲:K. メルツ)
 Schwanengesang, D. 957 (arr. J.K. Mertz for guitar)•
•シューベルト: 冬の旅 Op. 89, D. 911 – 第13番 郵便馬車(編曲:J.K. メルツ)
 Winterreise in Op. 89, D. 911: No. 13. Die Post (arr. J.K. Mertz for guitar)•
•モーツァルト: 歌劇「ドン・ジョヴァンニ」 K. 527 – 第2幕 ドン・ジョヴァンニのセレナード「窓辺においで」(J.K. メルツによるギター編)
 Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act II: Canzonetta: Deh vieni alla finestra (arr. J.K. Mertz for guitar)•















In English





Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856) – Classical Guitarist







A master of the 19th century guitar dark age




Johann Caspar Mertz: “The Mendelssohn of the Guitar


Johann Kaspar Mertz  (1806-1856) was a Slovak-born Viennese guitarist and composer.


He is often referred to as the “Mendelssohn of the guitar,” and his style is strongly influenced by the early Romantic period, similar to that of his contemporary Mendelssohn.


Merz, along with Napoleon Cost, was one of the leading guitarists of the mid-19th century, but this period was also known as the “Dark Age of the Guitar,” when the popularity of the guitar was in decline.


Sandwiched between the first half of the 19th century, when Sor and Giuliani were active, and the end of the 19th century, a period of guitar revival with the arrival of Talega, this was a difficult time for guitar music.


When he began his career, the guitar boom in Europe was already at a low ebb.


His works, while classically structured, cover a wide range of genres, including dances, nocturnes, polonaises, and arrangements from operas.


Mertz  performed piano duos with his wife and invented the 10-string guitar for performance.


This expanded instrument offered him new musical possibilities, and many of his concert pieces were written for multi-string guitars with seven or more strings.








A boy prodigy on guitar and flute


Born in 1806 in Pressburg, Kingdom of Hungary (now Bratislava, capital of Slovakia).


Mertz  showed a gift for guitar and flute from an early age, and around the age of 12, he began taking lessons on the instruments to help his family earn money.


His passion for music was immense, and he spent most of his young years improving his guitar skills.


Despite growing up in a poor family, he went on to become one of the most famous composers and performers in music history.












Johann Gaspar Merz (1806-1856) was born into a poor family in Pressburg (now Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia).


In 1840, he gave a concert in Vienna, where he was highly acclaimed and appointed as a court guitarist in Vienna.


Thereafter, although suffering from a chronic illness, he devoted himself to performing and composing music, but history played havoc with his life.


After traveling to Moravia, Poland, and Russia, he performed in Dresden, Berlin, Breslau, Chemnitz, Leipzig, and Prague in about two years.


During this concert tour, he met a young woman pianist, Josephine, who appeared at the same concert, and together they toured and performed successfully at numerous concerts until they were married on December 14, 1842.


Fortune smiled on these newlyweds for the next few months, and they returned to Vienna, where they immersed themselves in activities to promote the guitar to the royal family and upper class citizens.


By 1840, he had made his way to Vienna. In Vienna (c.1840 – 1856), he was active and established his own reputation among various prominent figures of the guitar, including A. Diabelli, M. Giuliani, Wenzeslaus Matiegga, and Simon Franz Molitor.


He then toured Europe extensively, enjoying the highest patronage.


Among Mertz‘s famous students were the incomparable musical talent of the Duchess Ledkowska and Johann Dobes, who gained a reputation all over Europe, but he suddenly fell ill and stopped performing for about two years afterwards.


In 1848, in the spring of that year, he resumed and his concerts were greeted with enthusiastic applause from a packed audience. He continued to perform, but the Hungarian Revolution broke out, cutting off his income and plunging him into poverty.


In 1849, he gave a concert under the patronage of the Princess of Weimar.


After its success, he and his wife began traveling throughout Germany and Russia, but his busy life brought a recurrence of his illness.


In 1855, Mertz  successfully performed in front of King Ludwig I of Bavaria, and was highly acclaimed for his musical talent and performance skills.


However, his illness returned and his health gradually deteriorated.


In October 1856, Johann Gaspar Mertz  ended his turbulent life.










In 1840, at the age of 34, he left his hometown for Vienna.


Here he established himself as a guitar teacher and was recognized as a leading guitarist, especially for his successful appearances at concerts sponsored by the Empress Caroline Auguste.





The 10-string guitar and a leap in expressive ability


He greatly influenced later guitarists, most notably with his use of the “10-string guitar,” which dramatically improved the expressive power of the guitar.


Many of his works are characterized by beautiful melodic lines and gentle harmonies, and they are still played with great affection even today.





Crowned winner of the Brussels International Guitar Competition


In this Brussels International Guitar Competition (organized by his great admirer Nicolai Petrovich Makarov), 31 musicians were selected, among which the French guitarist Napoleon Cost was awarded the second prize.


Then, Mertz , who lives in Vienna, was awarded first prize for his work “The Bard, Op. 13,” and won a prize of $200.


However, had already passed away, and he himself never heard this good news.







A Musical Legacy


At the time, guitar music was dominated by the works of masters such as Saul and Aguado of the classical school and Giuliani of the bel canto style.


However, went on to produce innovative works that set him apart from them.


Notable among them is “The Minstrel, Op. 13,” published in 1847.


This work, which incorporates elements of Romantic piano music, dramatically improves the expressive power of guitar music.


He used a 10-string guitar, which captivated audiences with its rich tone and expressive power.








Restoration of Guitar Works


Until the mid-20th century, the works of dedicated composers such as Turina, Ponce, Descoe, Rodrigo, and Villa-Lobos were the mainstream.


Although none of them were guitar players, they produced masterpieces that took advantage of the characteristics of the guitar.


In recent years, however, the works of guitarist composers such as Browell, Deans, York, and Clenzance have gained popularity.


Their works are characterized by highly technical and expressive music that can be written because of their mastery of guitar playing techniques.


This trend is thought to be closely related to the revival of guitar music in the mid-19th century.


The mid-19th century was the golden age of guitar composers such as Mertz  and Kost,


Their works, while influenced by Romantic music, were recognized for their originality and musicality that made the most of the guitar’s unique characteristics.


In recent years, guitar players have been actively performing guitar music of the mid-19th century and rediscovering its appeal.


In this trend, the works of guitar composers have also been attracting renewed attention.








Late Years and Final Glory




In 1848, Mertz  overcame his illness and resumed performing. However, the Hungarian Revolution that broke out the following year cut off his income and plunged him into poverty.


Nevertheless, he did not give up, and in 1849 he gave a successful concert under the patronage of the Princess of Weimar.


He and his wife then traveled throughout Germany and Russia, but his busy life aggravated his illness and he was forced to stop performing again.


In 1855, Mertz achieved his final glory by successfully performing in front of King Ludwig I of Bavaria.


But the following year, 1856, under the nursing care of his wife, concert pianist Josephine Plantin,


He died at the young age of 50 from an inappropriate overdose of strychnine.













A tumultuous life and a passion for music




Johann Caspar Merz’s life was a tumultuous mix of glory and hardship.


However, he never lost his passion for music, and his sincere devotion to his guitar led to the creation of many masterpieces.


His music, characterized by delicate melodies, rich emotional expression, and innovative experimentation, continues to exert a profound influence on future generations of guitarists.








Representative compositions




The Bard, Op.13
Capriccio, Op.1
Fantasia, Op. 14
Fantasia in Hungarian Style


This piece is divided into three parts: Maestoso (A minor), Adagio Maestoso (A major-F major), and Allegro Vivace (A major).


It has a gypsy rather than Hungarian style, and can be regarded as a violin piece in the same vein as the famous “Tigoinelwaizen” and other violin pieces.





 Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806-1856) / ヨハン・カスパール・メルツ - Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】
>Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel in JAPAN: (070) 1402-6029 (iMessage) - Email: - (US Text): WhatsApp Contact QR code in “CONTACT” below

Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel in JAPAN: (070) 1402-6029 (iMessage) - Email: - (US Text): WhatsApp Contact QR code in “CONTACT” below