フェルナンド・ソル / Fernando Sor(1778-1839): GUITARIST スペイン・バルセロナ

フェルナンド・ソル / Fernando Sor(1778-1839): GUITARIST スペイン・バルセロナ


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フェルナンド・ソル / Fernando Sor(1778-1839): スペイン・バルセロナ生まれの作曲家、ギター奏者



Fernando Sor(1778年2月13日-1839年7月10日)は、スペインのクラシックギタリストであり、後期クラシカル時代から初期ロマン派時代の作曲家です。








これにはJoseph Fernando Macario Sors、Ferdinand Sor、Ferdinando Sor、そして最後の数年間はFerran Sorなどが含まれます。










彼はバルセロナで裕福な家族に生まれ、洗礼名はJosé Fernando Macario Sorsで、多くの手稿や印刷された音楽作品ではFernando SorまたはFerdinand Sorとして表記され、姓がSorsと表示される場合もあります。












F. Sorの生涯













この時期フランス・パリで、ギタリストで作曲家 ディオニシオ・アグアドなど、多くの音楽家と親交を結び、共同で音楽活動をします。








F. Sorの功績












彼の代表作には『モーツァルトの「魔笛」の主題による変奏曲 Variaciones sobre un tema de Mozart』『グラン・ソロ Gran solo』があります。彼の作風には、ハイドンやモーツァルトの大きな影響が見られます。


彼の『12の練習曲 Op. 6』、『24の進行的なレッスン Op. 31』、および『24の非常に簡単なエクササイズ Op. 35』などは200年以上にわたって広く演奏され、定期的に再版されています。



  • 指頭奏法を主張




F.Sor-guitarist classical guitar


































  • 最後に

















In English




Fernando Sor (1778-1839): composer and guitarist born in Barcelona, Spain


Fernando Sor (February 13, 1778-July 10, 1839) was a Spanish classical guitarist and composer of the late Classical and early Romantic periods.

Although he is best known for his solo classical guitar music, he composed an opera at the age of 19 and also composed symphonies, guitar duos, and ballets.

He has been called the Beethoven of the guitar world, and it is said that he sang as well as he played the guitar.

Sor’s works were published in many different countries. As a result, his name has varied in translation.

These include Joseph Fernando Macario Sors, Ferdinand Sor, Ferdinando Sor, and in the last few years, Ferran Sor.



Early Stages:.

He was born in Barcelona to a wealthy family, and his baptismal name was José Fernando Macario Sors, which appears in many manuscripts and printed musical works as Fernando Sor or Ferdinand Sor, sometimes with the family name appearing as Sors.

He was born into a military family. Although he planned to continue that tradition and become a soldier, his father took him to see Italian opera, which led him into the world of music, and he became fascinated with it.

He was exposed to music from an early age, and his father taught him to play the guitar.

Because his father loved opera, he learned and sang opera melodies from an early age.

Also, when he did not know how to read music, he invented his own notes and wrote his own notes.



Sor’s Life

He studied music at the Monastery of Montserrat and in Barcelona, but gave up his training for financial reasons after the death of his father.

He toured several parts of Spain, working as a composer and guitarist among the royal family and upper class in Madrid. It was during this period that the form of the six-string guitar finally took hold.

His abilities as a musician were recognized, and he traveled throughout Europe performing and achieving new fame.

After the defeat of the Spanish army in 1808, he took an administrative position in the French government under the rule of Jose Bonaparte.

After the expulsion of the French in 1813, many artists and aristocrats who were considered pro-French left their native Spain, fearing reprisals, and went into exile in Paris, France.

During this period, he made friends and collaborated with many musicians in Paris, including the guitarist and composer Dionisio Aguado.

In 1815, he moved to London, where he found new success.

At the age of 35, in 1813, he left Spain, hoping to re-enter the country in his later years, but was never granted permission to do so.



F. Sor’s Achievements

He transformed the guitar from an instrument that was considered of low status compared to the orchestral instrument, an instrument played in taverns on the same day, into an instrument capable of playing sublime music.

He devoted himself to writing educational music for the classical guitar.

Musical Legacy:.

His works are often considered Romantic, and he is known for his preference for the minor key in his introductions.

His best known works include Variaciones sobre un tema de Mozart (Variations on a Theme from Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”) and Gran solo. His style is heavily influenced by Haydn and Mozart.

His “12 Exercises, Op. 6,” “24 Progressive Lessons, Op. 31,” and “24 Very Simple Exercises, Op. 35” have been widely performed and regularly reprinted for over 200 years.

Insisting on the fingerhead technique

Sor’s time differed from the modern classical guitar in that he used slender, small guitars and insisted on the “finger-head” technique, which does not use fingernails.

On the other hand, Aguado, a contemporary, advocated a fingernail-only technique.

Throughout his life, Tárrega moved back and forth between “fingertip technique” and “nail technique,” repeatedly stretching and cutting his fingernails.

At that time, guitar strings were made of gut (sheep’s gut), which was quite different from the sound quality and touch of today’s guitars.

Today, vinyl strings are the norm, and most guitarists use a fingernail technique.



Late Years and Death

At the age of 35, in 1813, he left Spain, hoping to re-enter the country in his later years, but was never granted permission to do so.

His last major work was the “Fantasy in the Style of a Dirge,” which was written after the death of a woman who had been his pupil.

The death of his beloved daughter in 1837 left Sol pessimistic.

In 1839, Sol died of tongue cancer in Paris and was buried in Montmartre cemetery.


Fernando Sor was one of the most prolific composers of music for guitar in the past 200 years, active in the first golden age of the guitar, when he worked to elevate and promote guitar music.

He is the most important person to have made his mark on guitar music.

Fernando Sor impressed many with his musical talent and skillful performance on the guitar.

His works are still loved by guitarists and music lovers today.



フェルナンド・ソル / Fernando Sor(1778-1839): GUITARIST スペイン・バルセロナ
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Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel in JAPAN: (070) 1402-6029 (iMessage) - Email: guitarsho@yahoo.com - (US Text): WhatsApp Contact QR code in “CONTACT” below