John Williams / ジョン・ウィリアムズ  (1941年 – )Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏家、作曲家】

John Williams / ジョン・ウィリアムズ (1941年 - )Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏家、作曲家】

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John Williams / ジョン・ウィリアムズ  (1941年 – )Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏家、作曲家】







































































ジョン・ウィリアムズ(John Williams)の楽器選択には興味深いエピソードがあります。







  • • イグナシオ・フレタ
  • • エルナンデス・イ・アグアド
  • • イグナシオ・フレタ
  • • マーチン・フリーソン
  • • グレッグ・スモールマン



  • エルナンデス・イ・アグアド







  • イグナシオ・フレタ






  • グレッグ・スモールマン



















  • 共演とプロジェクト:


    • ジョン・ウィリアムズは、ジュリアン・ブリーム、イツァーク・パールマン、パコ・ペーニャ、インティ・イリーマ、リチャード・ハーヴェイなど、数多くのミュージシャンと共演。
    • 自身のプロジェクトにおいても活躍しており、《スカイ》、《ジョン・ウィリアムス・アンド・フレンズ》、《アタッカ》などで音楽活動を行う。




  • 映画音楽:


    • ジョン・ウィリアムズは映画音楽でも名を馳せています。代表曲「カヴァティナ」は、映画『ディア・ハンター』で使用され、彼の代表作となる。
    • また、映画『フィッシュ・コールド・ワンダ』など、その活動は多岐にわたる。




  • 現代音楽への興味:


    • ジョン・ウィリアムズは現代音楽にも幅広く興味を示します。
    • 武満徹作曲によるCD「フロム・オーストラリア」や、キューバの作曲家レオ・ブローウェルによる「ブラック・デカメロン」など、彼の音楽的好奇心が現れています。




  • スタンリー・マイヤーズとの出会い:


    • 1969年、ジョン・ウィリアムズは映画音楽家/編曲家のスタンリー・マイヤーズと出会う。
    • マイヤーズが手がけていた映画『The Walking Stick』のスコアにおいて、3小節のフレーズをジョンに聴かせました。
    • このフレーズが後に「カヴァティナ」として発展し、映画『ディア・ハンター』で使用され、ジョンの代表曲となる。




  • 音楽的発展性と思想性:


    • 1970年代に入ると、ジョンはクラシック音楽の枠にとどまらず、様々な可能性を追求し始める。
    • チリのグループ、インティ・イリマーニとの共演や、ギリシャのマリア・ファランドゥーリとの共演は、彼の音楽的な発展性と思想性を表現。








1979年 フュージョングループ「SKY」結成
























ジョン・ウィリアム と ジュリアン・ブリーム



































  • 「偉大なるパラグアイ人」(1995年):






  • 「マジック・ボックス」(2001年):






  • 「エル・ディアブロ・スエルト」(2001年):






  • 「アルティメット・ギター・コレクション」(2001年):































  • 2011ジョン・ウィリアムズとリチャード・ハーヴェイのワールドツアー、未来へのメッセージ(DVD)Altus
  • 2011ギタリスト3CDセットSony BMG
  • 2010カヴァティーナ – フライ&キューブレコーディングス完全版(2CD)(C)Salvo
  • 2010伝説の始まり 第1巻と第2巻(C)Dynamic
  • 2009ギターは彼らの歌(DVD)Mel Bay
  • 2009アンドレ・プレヴィン生誕80周年記念Sony BMG
  • 2009ヴィルトゥオーゾ・ギター(C)エッセンシャル・メディア
  • 2008フロム・ア・バードJCW
  • 2008ピュア・アコースティックWest One Music
  • 2006プレイシズ・ビトウィーンSony
  • 2006グレート・パフォーマンス – バッハ・リュート組曲(C)Sony
  • 2005シンプル・ギフトDeutsche Grammophon
  • 2005テスタメントBBC/テスタメント
  • 2005エッセンシャル・ジョン・ウィリアムズ(2CD)(C)Metro
  • 2004ザアルティメット ギター コレクション(2CD) (C) Sony
  • 2004ローズマリーとタイムサンクチュアリ クラシックス
  • 2003エル ディアブロ スエルトSony
  • 2003セビリア コンサート(拡張版) Sony
  • 2003ギタリスト(拡張版) Sony
  • 2002ギター ミュージック(3CD) (C) Sony
  • 2002スペインの夢(C) Sony
  • 2001パーペチュアル モーションSony
  • 2001インヴォカシオン イ ダンス(C) Sony
  • 2001ジョン ウィリアムズ プレイズ バッハ(C) Sony “ミュージック フォー ユー”
  • 2001ザ マジック ボックスSony
  • 2000イングリッシュ ギター ミュージック(C) エッセンシャル クラシックス
  • 2000エッセンシャル ジョン ウィリアムズ(C) Metro
  • 2000クラシック ウィリアムズ – ギターのロマンス(C) Sony
  • 1999ペストと月下美人アルタス
  • 1999夜が明けるとSony
  • 1999祈りのサイクルSony
  • 1999シューベルトとジュリアーニソニー
  • 1996グレート・パフォーマンスズ – ロドリゴ(C) ソニー
  • 1999ギター・ムード(C) デッカ
  • 1999バッハとスカルラッティ(C) ベラート
  • 1999スペイン・ギターのお気に入り(C) デッカ
  • 1998ギタリストソニー
  • 1998イン・マイ・ライフMCA
  • 1997グレート・エクスペクテーションズアトランティック
  • 1997ベスト・オブ・ジョン・ウィリアムズ(C) クリムゾン
  • 1997ブラック・デカメロンソニー
  • 1996ジョン・ウィリアムズ・プレイズ・ザ・ムービーズ(およびジョン・ウィリアムズの世界) ソニー
  • 1996バッハ・リュート音楽集 第2巻(C) エッセンシャル・クラシックス
  • 1996バッハ・リュート音楽集 第1巻(C) エッセンシャル・クラシックス
  • 1996パガニーニ、スカルラッティ、ジュリアーニ & ヴィラ=ロボス(C) エッセンシャル・クラシックス
  • 1996ドジソンとロドリーゴ(C) エッセンシャル・クラシックス
  • 1996ハーヴェイとグレイの協奏曲ソニー
  • 1996マンティスと月 ソニー1995
  • ジョージ・マーティン・プレゼンツ・ザ・メディチ・カルテットクラシックFM
  • 1994ギター・アルバム(C) ソニー (オランダのみ)
  • 1994ジュリアン・ブリームとジョン・ウィリアムズ アルティメット・コレクション(C) BMG
  • 1994グレートパラグアイ(パラグアイのジャングルより)ソニー
  • 1994ナイジェル・ウェストレイク:オノマトペ トール・ポピーズ
  • 1994オーストラリアよりソニー
  • 1993トゥギャザー(CD 拡張版) RCA
  • 1993トゥギャザー・アゲイン(CD 拡張版) RCA
  • 1993セビリア・コンサートソニー
  • 1992イベリアソニー
  • 1992武満ソニー
  • 1991ベンジャミン・ヴァーデリー:いくつかの町と都市ニューポート・クラシック NDP85519
  • 1991ジョン・ウィリアムズのベスト(C) ミュージック・クラブ
  • 1991ロドリーゴ、ジュリアーニ、ヴィヴァルディ(C) エッセンシャル・クラシックス
  • 1991バリオスとポンセによるラテンアメリカのギター音楽(C) エッセンシャル・クラシックス
  • 1991ギター・リサイタル(C) デッカ
  • 1990スペインのギター音楽(C) エッセンシャル・クラシックス
  • 1990ヴィヴァルディ協奏曲ソニー
  • 1990バッハ:4つのリュート組曲(C) CBS
  • 1990レジェンダCBS
  • 1989黄金のギター(C) CBS
  • 1989ロドリーゴとアルベニス(C) CBS
  • 1989ロドリーゴ協奏曲(C) CBS
  • 1989ギター協奏曲(2CD) (C) CBS
  • 1989スペインギターの名曲(C) CBS
  • 1989グレート・ギター協奏曲(2CD)(C)CBS
  • 1989スピリット・オブ・ザ・ギター:アメリカの音楽CBS/Sony
  • 1988ジョン・ウィリアムズ – ザ・コレクション(C)キャッスル
  • 1988バロック・アルバムCBS/Sony
  • 1988ワンダと魚ミラン
  • 1987忘れられないジョン・ウィリアムズ(C)キャッスル
  • 1987ジョン・ウィリアムズの世界(C)K-Tel
  • 1987夢のかけらCBS/ソニー
  • 1987ポール・ハート ギターとジャズ・オーケストラのための協奏曲CBS/ソニー
  • 1987エマの戦争 フィルムトラックス
  • 1986ル・グラン・クラシック(C)CBS/ギ・ラロッシュ
  • 1986エッセンシャル・コレクション
  • (C)キャッスル 1986クラ シック・エイド:UNHCR支援コンサートCBS
  • 1986エコーズ・オブ・ロンドンCBS
  • 1985愛の猟犬EMI マンハッタン
  • 1985バッハ、ヘンデル、マルチェッロ:協奏曲CBS/ソニー
  • 1984ロドリーゴCBS
  • 1983カドミウム…アリオラ
  • 1983ギターは歌:フォークソングコレクションCBS/ソニー
  • 1983レット・ザ・ミュージック・テイク・ユーCBS/QNote
  • 1983名誉領事アイランド(シングル)
  • 1983スカイファイブライブアリオラ
  • 1982ジョン・ウィリアムズの肖像CBS/ソニー
  • 1982ジャストギター:サマリア人支援コンサートCBS
  • 1982スカイフォーサイトアリオラ
  • 1982ジョン・ウィリアムズとピーター・ハーフォードがバッハを演奏CBS
  • 1981スカイ3アリオラ
  • 1981エコーズ・オブ・スペイン – アルベニスCBS
  • 1981グレートパフォーマンス:ロドリーゴ(C)CBS
  • 1980スカイ2アリオラ
  • 1980ジョン・ウィリアムズのギター音楽(C)テリーディスク
  • 1980ギターフェスティバル(C)キューブHolland
  • 1980 The Platinum Collection (2LP) (C) Cube Records
  • 1980 Bridges (C) Lotus Music/K-Tel
  • 1980 Guitar Quintets CBS
  • 1979 Spotlight on John Williams (2LP) (C) Cube Records
  • 1979 Morning Sky (C) Cube Records
  • 1979 John Williams at His Best (C) Neon
  • 1979カヴァティーナ(C) Cube Records
  • 1979ディア・ハンターキャピトル
  • 1979シークレット・ポリスマンの舞踏会アイランド
  • 1979スカイ・アリオラ
  • 1979リコレクション(C) CBS
  • 1979ジュリアン・ブリーム & ジョン・ウィリアムズ ライブRCA
  • 1979ジョン・ウィリアムズ・プレイズ スティーブン・ドッジソン(C) CBS
  • 1978マヌエル・ポンセCBS
  • 1978トラベリングCube Records
  • 1978ジョン・ウィリアムズ・コレクション(C) CBS
  • 1978ジョン・ウィリアムズ・プレイズ・パガニーニ(C) CBS
  • 1978スティーヴィーCBS
  • 1978マルコム・アーノルドとレオ・ブラウワーの協奏曲CBS
  • 1977マーメイド・フロリックスポリドール
  • 1977ジョン・ウィリアムズ ~ バリオスCBS
  • 1977カステヌオーヴォ=テデスコ、アーノルド、ドッジソンの協奏曲CBS
  • 1977ギター・リサイタル(ダブル LP) (C) Decca
  • 1977ジョン・ウィリアムズがバッハとスカルラッティを演奏(C) Decca
  • 1977ジョン・ウィリアムズがスペインの名曲を演奏(C) Decca
  • 1977ジョン・ウィリアムズがパトリック・ガワーズを演奏(C) CBS
  • 1977ずる賢い鵜アルゴ (Decca) 1976
  • ヴィラ=ロボスとスカルラッティ(C) CBS
  • 1976ジョン・ウィリアムズと仲間たちCBS
  • 1976デュオCBS
  • 1976ベスト・フレンズRCA
  • 1975バッハ: リュート音楽全集CBS
  • 1974ジョン・ウィリアムズのグレイテスト・ヒッツ(C) CBS
  • 1974ロドリーゴとヴィラ=ロボスCBS
  • 1974トゥゲザー・アゲイン (別名ジュリアンとジョン 2) RCA 1974ラプソディCBS 1974シェーンベルク: セレナーデDecca 1973ザ・ハイト・ビロウCube Records 1973 “ジョン・ウィリアムズ” (C) Japan 1973イギリス、日本、ブラジル、ベネズエラ、アルゼンチン、メキシコの音楽CBS 1972アルハンブラ宮殿の思い出(C) Japan 1972ジョン・ウィリアムズが演奏するスペイン音楽とその他のお気に入り(C) CBS 1972グレイテスト・ヒッツ-ザ・ギター(C) Columbia 1972プレヴィンとポンセの協奏曲CBS 1972ガワーズ室内協奏曲、スカルラッティのソナタCBS
  • 1972 Together (別名 Julian and John) RCA
  • 1972 Guitar Recital (I & II) (C) Ace of Diamonds
  • 1971 Music for Guitar and Harpsichord CBS
  • 1971 Pomegranite Cube Records (7″ シングル)
  • 1971 Changes Cube Records
  • 1971 200 Motels United Artists
  • 1971 The Raging Moon EMI
  • 1971 Songs of Freedom – Theodorakis CBS
  • 1970 Webern: Complete Works CBS/Philips
  • 1970 John Williams Plays Spanish Music CBS
  • 1969 Songs for Voice and Guitar CBS
  • 1969 Concertos by Vivaldi and Giuliani CBS
  • 1969 Virtuoso Variations for Guitar CBS
  • 1968 Haydn and Paganini CBS
  • 1968 Two Guitar Concertos (Rodrigo and Dodgson) CBS
  • 1967 More Virtuosoギターのための音楽CBS
  • 1965 2つのギター協奏曲(ロドリーゴとカステルヌオーヴォ=テデスコ) CBS
  • 1965ギターのための名曲CBS
  • 1964 CBS [コロンビア] レコード ジョン・ウィリアムズプレゼンツCBS
  • 1963トム・クラウス リサイタル:シベリウスとシュトラウスの歌ロンドン
  • 1963ジャクリーヌ・デュ・プレ:リサイタルEMI
  • 1963ギターのための20の練習曲ウェストミンスター
  • 1962シェーンベルク:セレナーデ鳥のさえずり
  • 1961スペインのギターウェストミンスター
  • 1961フォークソング鳥のさえずり
  • 1958ギター・リサイタル 第1巻と第2巻デリゼ















  • Albéniz: Asturias [06.02] 1992
  • Albéniz: Asturias [06.09] 1980
  • Albéniz: Asturias [06.17] 1969
  • Albéniz: Asturias Live [05.42] 1986
  • Albéniz: Bajo la Palmera with Julian Bream [05.34] 1973
  • Albéniz: Cadiz [03.37] 1980
  • Albéniz: Castilla with Julian Bream, Live [04.06] 1978
  • Albéniz: Córdoba [06.40] 1969
  • Albéniz: Córdoba [06.48] 1980
  • Albéniz: Córdoba with Julian Bream [06.23] 1971
  • Albéniz: Granada [04.35] 1980
  • Albéniz: Ibéria: El Albaicín with LSO, Daniel [09.05] 1989
  • Albéniz: Ibéria: Evocatión with Julian Bream [05.46] 1973
  • Albéniz: Ibéria: Rodeña with LSO, Daniel [08.27] 1989
  • Albéniz: Ibéria: Triana with LSO, Daniel [04.38] 1989
  • Albéniz: La Torre Bermeja [04.06] 1980
  • Albéniz: La Torre Bermeja [04.08] 1958
  • Albéniz: Mallorca [06.21] 1980
  • Albéniz: Sevilla [04.32] 1980
  • Albéniz: Sevilla [04.29] 1964
  • Albéniz: Sevilla [04.43] 1992
  • Albéniz: Sevilla Live [04.38] 1977
  • Albéniz: Tango [02.45] 1969
  • Albéniz: Tango [03.06] 1980
  • Albéniz: Zambra Granadina [04.10] 1980
  • Albéniz, M: Sonata in D [03.10] 1969
  • Adams/Kamen: Everything I Do with String Orchestra, Gunning [04.29] 1996
  • Albert: Feelings with Cleo Laine [04.04] 1976
  • Anon: Ductia [01.52] 1998
  • Anon: Lamento di Tristan [02.56] 1998
  • Anon: Saltarello [01.57] 1998
  • Argent: Baby Don’t You Cry No More with Cleo Laine [03.49] 1983
  • Arlen: The Wizard of Oz with String Orchestra, Gray [04.49] 1996
  • Arnold: Guitar Concerto Op. 67 with London Sinfonietta, Howarth [21.22] 1977
  • Arnold: Serenade for Guitar & String Orchestra with ECO, Groves [04.41] 1977
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Bacalov: Il Postino with String Orchestra, Gray [04.07] 1996
  • Bach: Air on a G String [03.54] 1978
  • Bach: Cello Suite No. 1 BVW 1007 [17.26] 1958
  • Bach: Cello Suite No. 1 BVW 1007: Prelude [02.19] 1982
  • Bach: Cello Suite No. 1 BVW 1007: Prelude Live video [02.45] 2011
  • Bach: Cello Suite No. 3 BVW 1009 [23.34] 1958
  • Bach: Cello Suite No. 3 BWV 1009: Bourrée Live [03.07] 1979
  • Bach: Cello Suite No. 3 BWV 1009: Bourrées I & II [03.49] 1975
  • Bach: Chaconne BWV 1004 [13.48] 1965
  • Bach: Chaconne BWV 1004 [13.50] 1987
  • Bach: English Suite No. 2 BWV 807 Bourrée with Peter Hurford [01.29] 1981
  • Bach: English Suite No. 3 BWV 808 Gavotte & Musette with Peter Hurford [04.18] 1981
  • Bach: Fantasia in C Minor BWV 906 with Sky [03.15] 1982
  • Bach: French Suite No. 5 BWV 816 Gigue with Peter Hurford [03.45] 1981
  • Bach: French Suite No. 6 BWV 817 Allemande with Peter Hurford [02.34] 1981
  • Bach: Gigue Fugue BWV 577 with Peter Hurford [02.57] 1981
  • Bach: Italian Concerto BWV 971 Allegro with Peter Hurford [04.05] 1981
  • Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring BWV 147 with “Friends” [03.00] 1975
  • Bach: Lute Suite No. 1 in E minor BWV 996 [16.00] 1975
  • Bach: Lute Suite No. 2 BWV 997 [20.09] 1975
  • Bach: Lute Suite No. 3 BWV 995 [15.31] 1975
  • Bach: Lute Suite No. 4 BWV 1006A [19.08] 1975
  • Bach: Lute Suite No. 4 in E Major BWV 1006A [17.40] 1964
  • Bach: Lute Suite No. 4 in E major, BWV 1006a: Prelude [04.23] 1992
  • Bach: Pastorale in F BWV 587 Adagio with Peter Hurford [03.43] 1981
  • Bach: Prelude & Fugue BWV 999/1000 (“Little “) [06.35] 1975
  • Bach: Prelude, Fugue & Allegro BWV 998 [10.26] 1975
  • Bach: Prelude, Fugue & Allegro BWV 998 [11.54] 1964
  • Bach: Sonata 4 BWV 1017: Adagio with Peter Hurford [03.11] 1981
  • Bach: Toccata (and Fugue in D Minor BWV 565) with Sky [04.42] 1980
  • Bach: Trio Sonata No. 6 in G BWV 530 with Peter Hurford [12.21] 1981
  • Bach: Trio Sonata in C BVW 1037: Gigue with “Friends” [03.33] 1975
  • Bach: Trio in G BWV 1027A with Peter Hurford [02.52] 1981
  • Bach: Violin Concerto No.2 BWV 1042 with Academy of St Martin’s, Sillito [17.42] 1984
  • Bach: Violin Sonata BWV 1003: Andante with Academy of St Martin’s, Sillito [05.05] 1984
  • Bach: Wachet auf! (Cantata 140) with Peter Hurford [06.02] 1981
  • Barrios: Aconquija [03.42] 1977
  • Barrios: Aconquija [03.51] 1988
  • Barrios: Aconquija [04.16] 1994
  • Barrios: Aire de Zamba [02.55] 1977
  • Barrios: Aire de zamba [02.46] 1994
  • Barrios: Choro de saudade [04.46] 1977
  • Barrios: Choro de saudade [04.49] 1994
  • Barrios: Cueca [03.22] 1988
  • Barrios: Cueca [03.26] 1977
  • Barrios: Cueca [03.29] 1994
  • Barrios: Danza Paraguaya [02.50] 1973
  • Barrios: Estudio [02.10] 1977
  • Barrios: Julia Florida [04.29] 1994
  • Barrios: La Catedral [07.12] 1977
  • Barrios: La catedral [06.57] 1994
  • Barrios: Las abejas [02.18] 1994
  • Barrios: Madrigal [03.40] 1977
  • Barrios: Maxixa [02.42] 1994
  • Barrios: Maxixa [02.44] 1977
  • Barrios: Mazurka appassionata [04.56] 1977
  • Barrios: Mazurka appassionata [05.08] 1994
  • Barrios: Medallon antiguo [03.21] 1994
  • Barrios: Minuet [02.48] 1977
  • Barrios: Prelude in C minor [02.13] 1994
  • Barrios: Prelude in G minor [02.49] 1994
  • Barrios: Preludio [01.48] 1977
  • Barrios: Sueño en la floresta [06.02] 1992
  • Barrios: Sueño en la floresta [06.42] 1994
  • Barrios: Sueño en la floresta [07.00] 1977
  • Barrios: Una limosna por el amor de Dios [03.17] 1977
  • Barrios: Una limosna por el amor de Dios [03.21] 1988
  • Barrios: Una limosna por el amor de Dios [03.27] 1994
  • Barrios: Una limosna por el amor de Dios Live [03.18] 2006
  • Barrios: Vals No. 3 [03.59] 1977
  • Barrios: Vals No. 3 [04.12] 1994
  • Barrios: Vals No. 4 [04.11] 1982
  • Barrios: Vals No. 4 [04.20] 1994
  • Barrios: Villancico de Navidad [02.30] 1977
  • Barrios: Villancico de navidad [03.17] 1994
  • Bartlet/Gascoigne: Of All The Birds That I Do Know with Wilfred Brown [ ] 1969
  • Batchelor: Mounsiers Almaine [02.08] 1965
  • Bebey: Engome with “Friends” [04:26] 2000
  • Bebey: Engome with Richard Harvey, Live video [03.30] 2011
  • Bebey: Guitar Makossa with “Friends” [02:38] 2000
  • Bebey: O Bia with “Friends” [07:15] 2000
  • Bebey: Sangara with “Friends” [03:39] 2000
  • Bebey: Sangara with John Etheridge, Live [03.52] 2006
  • Bebey: The Magic Box [03:10] 2000
  • Beethoven: Variations on God Save the King with Bela Fleck [09.08] 1999
  • Begin/Moriyama: Nada Sousou with Richard Harvey, featuring Nagoya Univeristy of Arts Choir, Live video [05.53] 2011
  • Bellinati: Jongo with Timothy Kain [04.24] 1995
  • Bennett: I Never Went Away with Cleo Laine [03.50] 1983
  • Berlioz: March to the Scaffold with Sky [04.57] 1982
  • Boccherini: Quintet in C G.450 with London String Quartet [13.45] 1979
  • Boccherini: Quintet in D G.449 with London String Quartet [19.05] 1979
  • Borges: Vals Venezolano [03.22] 2003
  • Brahms: Theme and Variations with Julian Bream, Live [15.23] 1978
  • Britten: Songs from the Chinese with Wilfred Brown [10:06] 1969
  • Brouwer: Berceuse [03.49] 1988
  • Brouwer: Concerto No. 1 with London Sinfonietta, Howarth [28.39] 1977
  • Brouwer: Concerto de Toronto with London Sinfonietta, Mercurio [22.54] 1997
  • Brouwer: Danza Caracteristica [02.02] 1988
  • Brouwer: El decameron negro [13.38] 1997
  • Brouwer: Elogio de la danza [05.56] 1997
  • Brouwer: Guajira /Danza Caracteristica [04.11] 1982
  • Brouwer: Hika In Memorian Toru Takemitsu [07.27] 1997
  • Brouwer: Micropiezas with Timothy Kain [05.19] 1995
  • Bush: The Morning Fog with Kate Bush [02.34] 1985
  • Byrd: Blues for Felix [02.08] 1988
  • Byrd: La Volta [02.03] 1985
  • Byrd: Spanish Guitar Blues [02.06] 1988
  • Byrd: Swing 59 [01.02] 1988
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Canonigos: El Totumo Live [03.18] 2006
  • Canonigos: El Totumo de Guarenas [01.37] 2003
  • Cardillo/Cordiferro: Catari, catari [04.43] 1982
  • Carillo: Como llora una estrella [03.58] 2003
  • Carmicheal/Mercer: Skylark with Sky [03.07] 1982
  • Carulli: Duo in G with Julian Bream [06.37] 1971
  • Carulli: Serenade in A with Julian Bream [09.34] 1973
  • Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Concerto with Philadelphia Orchestra, Ormandy [19.28] 1964
  • Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Concerto with ECO, Groves [21.41] 1977
  • Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Sonata Fourth Movement [03.22] 1964
  • Chopin: Mazurka in F sharp Minor with Bela Fleck [03.40] 1999
  • Clare/Laine: Dreams of Castilla with Cleo Laine [04.38] 1983
  • Clare: Castilla [04.08] 1982
  • Clare: Holland Park [03.02] 1985
  • Coates: London by Night with String Orchestra, Goodchild [04.29] 1985
  • Copland: The Little Horses with Angelika Kirchschlager [02.28] 1999
  • Couperin: Les baricades mistérieuses [04.06] 1987
  • Couperin: Les moissoneurs [02.08] 1987
  • Coward: London Pride with String Orchestra, Goodchild [04.09] 1985
  • Crespo: Norteña [03.30] 1958
  • Crespo: Norteña [03.51] 1988
  • Crespo: Norteña [03.53] 1973
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Dankworth: Sambalaya [02.03] 1973
  • Dankworth/Laine: It’s Not Easy (To Say I Love You) with Cleo Laine [04.00] 1983
  • Dankworth/Laine: Charms with Cleo Laine [03.31] 1976
  • Dankworth/Laine: My Day Has Started With You with Cleo Laine [04.07] 1976
  • Debussy: Clair de lune with Julian Bream, Live [05.06] 1978
  • Debussy: Golliwog’s Cakewalk with Julian Bream, Live [02.47] 1978
  • Debussy: Reverie with Julian Bream, Live [04.40] 1978
  • Dodgson: Concerto No. 1 with ECO, Groves [19.09] 1967
  • Dodgson: Concerto No. 2 with ECO, Groves [22.17] 1977
  • Dodgson: Duo Concertante with ECO, Groves [13.45] 1971
  • Dodgson: Fantasy-Divisions [07.44] 1973
  • Dodgson: Four Poems of John Clare with Wilfred Brown [ ] 1969
  • Dodgson: Partita For Guitar [10.09] 1964
  • Domeniconi: Koyunbaba [14.07] 1998
  • Dowland/Campian: I Care Not For These Ladies with Wilfred Brown [ ] 1969
  • Dowland: Easrle of Essex, His Galliard [01.55] 1965
  • Dowland: Fantasie No. 7 [04.07] 1969
  • Dowland: Melancholy Galliard [ ] 1969
  • Dowland: My Lady Hundson’s Puffe [ ] 1969
  • Dowland: Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard [01.15] 1965
  • Doyle: Great Expectations Film Soundtrack – 1997
  • Du Prez: A Fish Called Wanda Film Soundtrack – 1988
  • Duarte: Variations on Catalan Folk Song ‘Canço del lladre’ [09.50] 1958
  • Dunlap: Let The Music Take You with Cleo Laine [03.37] 1983
  • Dunlap: So Quiet The Night with Cleo Laine [04.15] 1983
  • Dyer-Bennet/Byron: So we’ll go no more a-roving [02.39] 1982
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Elgar: Salut d’Amour [02.49] 1985
  • Elias: Grace with English Chamber Choir [05.54] 1999
  • Etheridge: Places Between with John Etheridge, Live [03.47] 2006
  • Etheridge: Strange Comforts with John Etheridge, Live [03.14] 2006
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Falla: Danse du Corregidor [01.45] 1969
  • Falla: Fisherman’s Song [02.28] 1969
  • Falla: Homenaje [03.29] 1964
  • Falla: Jota with Jaqueline du Pré [03.33] 1963
  • Falla: La vida breve with Julian Bream [03.35] 1971
  • Falla: La vida breve with Timothy Kain [03.22] 1995
  • Falla: Nana with Angelika Kirchschlager [01.43] 1999
  • Falla: The Miller’s Dance [02.17] 1969
  • Fauré : Pavane pour une infante defunte with String Orchestra, Goodchild [05.06] 1999
  • Fauré: Dolly with Julian Bream, Live [17.25] 1978
  • Fernández: El Diablo Suelto with Alfonso Montes [02.19] 2003
  • Figueredo: Los Caujaritos [02.36] 2003
  • Figueredo: Priva Resuello [02.16] 2003
  • Flowers/Gomm: Carillon with Sky [03.29] 1979
  • Flowers/Gray: Meheeco with Sky [06.36] 1981
  • Flowers/Gray: Meheeco with Sky, Live [13.03] 1982
  • Flowers/Gray: The Animals with Sky, Live [21.26] 1982
  • Flowers/Monkman: Westway with Sky [03.38] 1979
  • Flowers/Peek: Dance of the Big Fairies with Sky [03.24] 1981
  • Flowers: Dance of the Little Fairies with Sky [03.32] 1980
  • Flowers: Dance of the Little Fairies with Sky, Live [04.47] 1982
  • Flowers: Keep Me Safe And Keep Me Warm … with Sky [00.56] 1981
  • Flowers: Pomegranite [02.56] 1971
  • Flowers: Scipio with Sky [12.09] 1980
  • Flowers: Telex from Peru with Sky [08.14] 1983
  • Flowers: The Bathroom Song with Sky, Live [03.21] 1982
  • Flowers: The Boy from Dundee with Sky [05.33] 1983
  • Flowers: The Grace with Sky [00.32] 1981
  • Flowers: Tuba Smarties with Sky, Live [03.22] 1980
  • Fox/Gimbel: Killing Me Softly With His Song with Cleo Laine [04.35] 1976
  • Fry: Connecting Rooms with Sky [07.16] 1981
  • Fry: Then and Now with Sky [03.22] 1983
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Garrido/Moya: En libertad with Inti Illimani & Paco Peña [03.44] 1987
  • Gascoigne/Patten: Sleep Now with Cleo Laine [03.02] 1976
  • Gascoigne: A Derrin Dhu (Emperor Nero) [00.48] 1973
  • Gascoigne: Dance Of The Dead (Emperor Nero) [01.08] 1973
  • Gascoigne: Dance Of The Emperor’s Clouds (Emperor Nero) [04.18] 1973
  • Gascoigne: Dance of the Living (Emperor Nero) [05.13] 1973
  • Gascoigne: Duet for Guitar and Koto (Emperor Nero) [04.40] 1973
  • Gascoigne: Lisa Larne (Emperor Nero) [02.38] 1973
  • Gascoigne: Music Box Tune [01.34] 1982
  • Gascoigne: The Height Below [03.39] 1973
  • Gates: If with Cleo Laine [03.39] 1976
  • Gershwin: A Foggy Day in London with String Orchestra, Goodchild [02.35] 1985
  • Giuliani: Concerto Op. 30 with ECO, Tilney [21.57] 1968
  • Giuliani: Concerto for Guitar no 1 Op. 30 with ACO, Tognatti [29.51] 1998
  • Giuliani: Sonata for Violin and Guitar with Itzhak Perlman [20.59] 1975
  • Giuliani: Sonata: First Movemement [ ] 1966
  • Giuliani: Variationi Cencertanti with Julian Bream [11.56] 1973
  • Giuliani: Variations on a Theme by Handel [06.40] 1965
  • Gowers: Chamber Concerto for Guitar [28.13] 1971
  • Gowers: Double For Guitar and Electric Organ with Patrick Gowers [02.50] 1971
  • Gowers: Rhapsody with Patrick Gowers [25.20] 1974
  • Gowers: Stevie Film Soundtrack – 1978
  • Granados: Goyescas: Intermezzo with Julian Bream [04.45] 1971
  • Granados: Goyescas: Intermezzo with Timothy Kain [04.21] 1995
  • Granados: Jota with Timothy Kain [05.08] 1995
  • Granados: La Maja de Goya [04.49] 1958
  • Granados: La Maya de Goya [03.40] 1969
  • Granados: Oriental with Julian Bream, Live [04.58] 1978
  • Granados: Rondalia Aragonesa with Julian Bream [05.33] 1973
  • Granados: Spanish Dance No. 5 Andaluza [04.17] 1964
  • Granados: Valses poéticos (excerpts) [07.38] 1969
  • Granados: Valses poéticos [14.45] 1991
  • Granados: Zambra with Julian Bream [06.20] 1973
  • Gray: Guitar Concerto with LSO, Daniel [32.28] 1989
  • Gray: Hello with Sky [04.15] 1981
  • Gray: Love Duet with Sky, Live [07.18] 1982
  • Gray: Mother Russia with Sky [06.58] 1983
  • Gray: Sister Rose with Sky [04.33] 1981
  • Gray: Son of Hotta with Sky [07.04] 1983
  • Greenaway / Roger Cook: Good Morning Freedom [02.42] 1971
  • Gregg: Maybe It’s Because I’m a Londoner with String Orchestra, Goodchild [01.30] 1985
  • Guastavino: Las Presencias Jeromita Linares with London String Quartet [12.35] 1979
  • Gunning: Rosemary and Thyme TV Theme [04.07] 2002
  • Gutierrez: Alma Llanera with Alfonso Montes [02.50] 2003
  • Gutierrez: Alma Llanera with Richard Harvey, Live video [02.56] 2011
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Hand: Prayer with Timothy Kain [04.41] 1995
  • Hand (arr Harvey): Prayer with Richard Harvey, Live video [04:35] 2011
  • Handel: Harmonious Blacksmith [05.23] 1985
  • Handel: Harpsichord Suite in E major: Courante [03.14] 1985
  • Handel: Organ Concerto in F with Academy of St Martin’s, Sillito [08.30] 1984
  • Handel: Sarabande with Sky [03.05] 1981
  • Handel: Sarabande/Air [05.43] 1985
  • Harrison: Here Comes The Sun [03.30] 1999
  • Hart: Concerto for Guitar & Jazz Orchestra with NYJO, Hart [37.42] 1986
  • Hart: Duet For Two with Paul Hart [04.07] 1986
  • Hart: Rondo La Ronde with Paul Hart [04.36] 1986
  • Hart: Song Without Words In D Minor with Paul Hart [04.33] 1986
  • Hart: Time Does Fly with Cleo Laine [02.40] 1976
  • Harvey: Concerto Antico with LSO, Daniel [28.41] 1995
  • Harvey: Enfield Dances with Richard Harvey, Live video [07.00] 2011
  • Harvey: Plague and the Moonflower [68.32] 1999
  • Harvey: Suling Bandung with Richard Harvey, Live video [05.10] 2011
  • Harvey (after Bach): Sheep May Safely Graze [04.00] 1978
  • Haydn: Guitar Quartet No.2 With Alan Loveday, Amaryllis Fleming, Cecil Aronowitz [17.46] 1967
  • Houghton: Alchemy with Timothy Kain [02.33] 1995
  • Houghton: Lament with Timothy Kain [02.55] 1995
  • Houghton: Stélé [12.12] 1998
  • Houghton: The Mantis and the Moon with Timothy Kain [03.20] 1995
  • Hupfeld: As Time Goes By with String Orchestra, Gray [03.04] 1996
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Jobim: Wave with Cleo Laine [03.14] 1976
  • Johnson: Pavan and Galliard with Julian Bream, Live [03.23] 1978
  • Jones: Go To Bed, Sweet Muse with Wilfred Brown [ ] 1969
  • Jones: It Had To Be You with String Orchestra, Gray [03.08] 1996
  • Joplin : The Entertainer The Sting (Arr. Williams) [02.56] 1996
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Kante: Djandjon with “Friends” [02:43] 2000
  • Kante: Djandjon with John Etheridge, Live [02.55] 2006
  • Kertsman: Cantiga de Ninar with Angelika Kirchschlager [03.40] 1999
  • Khatchaturian: Masquerade with Sky [03.22] 1982
  • Koshkin: Usher Waltz [05.46] 1992
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Lauro: Angostura [01.47] 2003
  • Lauro: El Marabino with Alfonso Montes [01.20] 2003
  • Lauro: El Negrito [01.46] 1982
  • Lauro: El niño [02.29] 1988
  • Lauro: Maria Carolina [02.33] 2003
  • Lauro: Maria Luisa [02.30] 1988
  • Lauro: Natalia [02.48] 1988
  • Lauro: Nelly with Alfonso Montes [02.21] 2003
  • Lauro: Pasaje “Aragueńo” [01.50] 2003
  • Lauro: Romanza [02.49] 2003
  • Lauro: Seis por derecho [03.11] 1982
  • Lauro: Seis por derecho [03.19] 2003
  • Lauro: Seis por derecho with “Friends” [02.16] 1982
  • Lauro: Vals Criollo [02.40] 1958
  • Lauro: Vals Criollo [02.46] 1973
  • Lauro: Virgilio [02.36] 2003
  • Lawes: Suite for Two Guitars with Julian Bream [05.10] 1971
  • Legrand: Je t’attendrai toute ma vie with String Orchestra, Fontaine [04.14] 1996
  • Lennon/McCartney: Because [03.21] 1971
  • Lennon/McCartney: Eleanor Rigby with Cleo Laine [03.31] 1976
  • Lennon/McCartney: Fool on the Hill [03.33] 1982
  • Lennon: Imagine with Cleo Laine [03.28] 1983
  • Louis-Claude Daquin: Le coucou with “Friends” [02.15] 1975
  • López: Las Perdices [02.18] 2003
  • Composer: Composition : Notes Time Year
  • Madlem: Monte Carlo with Timothy Kain [04.34] 1995
  • Madriguera: Humorada [01.47] 1958
  • Mancini: Moon River with String Orchestra, Gunning [04.07] 1996
  • Marcello: Oboe Concerto with Academy of St Martin’s, Sillito [11.35] 1984
  • Martin: New York New York with Medici Quartet [04.46] 1995
  • Martin: Old Boston with Medici Quartet [05.17] 1995
  • Martin: Sans Souci [03.03] 1973
  • Martin: Westward Look with Medici Quartet [03.50] 1995
  • Martins: Triangular Situations with “Friends” [03:59] 2000
  • Martins: Triangular Situations with John Etheridge, Live [04.04] 2006
  • Maschwitz: A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square with String Orchestra, Goodchild [04.59] 1985
  • McCartney: The Honorary Consul Film Theme [03.42] 1984
  • McColl: The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face with Cleo Laine [03.46] 1983
  • McTell: Song for Martin with Ralph McTell Live [03.47] 1982
  • McTell: Streets of London [03.30] 1985
  • McTell: Streets of London with Ralph McTell Live [03.17] 1982
  • Mendes/Bergman: So Many Stars with Cleo Laine [04.37] 1983
  • Mitchell: Woodstock [05.17] 1971
  • Monkman: Cannonball with Sky [03.41] 1979
  • Monkman: Dies Irae with Sky [19.22] 1980
  • Monkman: FIFO with Sky [17.05] 1980
  • Monkman: Where Opposites Meet with Sky [19.22] 1979
  • Montes: Preludio de Adiós [03.53] 2003
  • Moore/Landesman: Before Love Went Out Of Style with Cleo Laine [02.18] 1976
  • Moore/Ross: Awake My Love with Cleo Laine [03.05] 1976
  • Moore: Horizon [04.05] 1973
  • Morricone: Once Upon a Time in America with String Orchestra, Fontaine [05.12] 1996
  • Morricone: Once Upon a Time in the West with String Orchestra, Gunning [05.03] 1996
  • Morricone: The Mission with String Orchestra, Gunning [07.15] 1996
  • Mozart: Adagio K.356 [04.23] 1975
  • Mozart: Turkish Rondo K.331 with “Friends” [03.32] 1975
  • Mudarra: Diferencias sobre el Conde Claros [ ] 1966
  • Mudarra: Fantasia [01.40] 1966
  • Mudarra: Fantasia with Sky [03.45] 1982
  • Mwenda: Masanga [03:17] 2000
  • Myers (after Bach): All At Sea Minor [02.42] 1978
  • Myers (after Bach): Bach Changes [04.24] 1971
  • Myers (after Bach): From the Top [03.46] 1978
  • Myers (after Bach): J.S.B. [02.17] 1978
  • Myers/Laine: He Was Beautiful (Cavatina) with Cleo Laine [04.19] 1976
  • Myers/Laine: He Was Beautiful (Cavatina) with Bryn Terfel [03.35] 2005
  • Myers/Laine: Without Words (Portrait) with Cleo Laine [02.59] 1983
  • Myers/Monkman (after Bach): Travelling [05.32] 1978
  • Myers: Cavatina with String Orchestra, Myers [03.34] 1971
  • Myers: Cavatina with String Orchestra, Williams [04.15] 1982
  • Myers: Cavatina with String Orchestra, Williams [03.13] 1996
  • Myers: Cavatina (Live) [03.40] 1979
  • Myers: Portrait [02.37] 1978
  • Myers: Raga Vilasakhani Todi [03.57] 1971
  • Myers: Sarabande [02.58] 1971
  • Myers: The Raging Moon Film Soundtrack – 1971
  • Myers: The River God [02.53] 1978
  • Myers: The Swagman [04.05] 1978
  • Myers: The The Deer Hunter Film Soundtrack – 1979





Cavatina (Live 1979)









In English





John Williams (1941- ) Classical Guitarist


John Williams: King of the Classical Guitar

John Christopher Williams was born on April 24, 1941 in Melbourne, Australia.

His father, Leonard Williams, emigrated to Australia from London in the late 1930s, where he met his wife, Maran, through jazz music and political activism.

When John was four years old, he received his first guitar from his father and began to develop his talent.

In 1952, the Williams family moved to London, where John studied at the Royal College of Music.

His talent was recognized by guitar god Andres Segovia, who encouraged him to study with him.

John spent summers with Segovia at the Conservatory of Chigiana in Siena, Italy, attending every year until 1959.

In 1955, he demonstrated his talent by giving the first complete solo recital by a student of any instrument at the Royal Academy of Music.

On November 6, 1958, five months before his 18th birthday, he gave his debut professional recital at London’s Wigmore Hall, receiving high praise from Segovia, who said, “A guitar nobleman has descended upon the musical world.

From 1960 to 1973, John was a professor at the Royal Academy of Music, where he later helped run the newly established guitar department.

From 1973, he would also be a visiting professor at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester.

In the 1970s, he played with musicians of different genres, including pop, jazz, and rock, and in 1979 he formed the new rock band Sky.

His performance of “Cavatina,” the theme song from the movie “The Deer Hunter,” won him many fans beyond the guitar world.

He retired from performing at the end of 2013.

At his last concert, many fans hailed him as the “King of Guitar.




The Music of John Williams


A Neat Style of Playing

John Williams’ playing is neat and refined, without the big tempo swings of Segovia or Breim.

He has a strong touch and performs to the best of his instrument’s ability. His playing allows the audience to enjoy the guitar’s appealing timbre, which is different from that of modern digital music.


Relationship with Segovia

John Williams was discovered by and received direct instruction from Andreas Segovia, who is considered a guitar god.

Technique and Challenges

John has an outstanding technique, but it is said that he “had trouble deepening the music” because he could play anything on the first try.


Concert Style

John Williams, like many classical musicians of his day, preferred to appear in a sober suit instead of wearing a white tie and tails during concert performances.

By the end of the 1960s, he always appeared in a flamboyant floral shirt.


Different Views with Segovia

John Williams has said that he learned to play the guitar from his father, not from Segovia.

This view is a different position from that of Segovia’s alleged disciples.


Agustin Barrios.

John Williams has recorded a number of compositions by the South American Paraguayan guitarist and composer Agustín Barrios.

Barrios’ approach to music, unlike Segovia’s, is evidently of special significance to John.

His recordings of Barrios’s music, which he has revised and rearranged, show his love for the music.




Instruments used by John Williams


John Williams’ choice of instruments has an interesting story.

He used to play guitars that were considered to be great instruments, but in the 1980s, he began to favor guitars made by Australian maker Greg Smallman.

Greg Smallman’s guitars have a soft, warm tone and are characterized by a loud volume and wide range of dynamics not available on other guitars.

Even though they were masterpieces, John Williams had encountered instruments that did not fully answer his needs for expression.

However, Greg Smallman incorporated John’s input into the guitar making process, further enhancing the expressive power of the guitar.


  • – Ignacio Fleta
  • – Hernandez y Aguado
  • – Ignacio Fleta
  • – Martin Frearson
  • – Greg Smallman


* Hernandez y Aguado

Spanish maker Aguado’s guitars have beauty and a strong core.

In his performance of “Scherzino Mexicano” by M.M. Ponce, one can hear a rather exciting expression.

It is said that the aguado used by John was coveted by another guitarist, Bream.


* Ignacio Fleta.

Although less clear and dense in sound than the Aguado, John also made many recordings on the cedar Ignacio Fleta.

Fleta is a maker from Barcelona, Spain.


* Greg Smallman.

John Williams ultimately continued to use instruments made by Australian guitar maker Greg Smallman.



John himself is from Australia.

Greg Smallman’s guitars use lattice bracing and are made with a heavy weight to prevent vibration in any part of the guitar except the surface plate.



Musical Legacy


John Williams’ musical legacy is extensive, and his name is known to many music lovers, from film music to contemporary music.


* Co-performances and projects:.

    * John Williams has performed with many musicians, including Julian Bream, Itzhak Perlman, Paco Peña, Inti Irima, and Richard Harvey.

    * He is also active in his own projects, with music for “Sky,” “John Williams and Friends,” and “Atacca,” among others.


* Film Music:.

    * John Williams has also made a name for himself in film music. His song “Cavatina” was used in the movie “The Deer Hunter” and became his masterpiece.

    * He also worked on the film “Fish Called Wanda”, among others.


* Interest in contemporary music:.

    * John Williams has shown a broad interest in contemporary music.

    * His musical curiosity is evident in his CD “From Australia,” composed by Toru Takemitsu, and “Black Decameron,” by Cuban composer Leo Brouwer.


* Meet Stanley Myers:.

    * In 1969, John Williams met film musician/arranger Stanley Myers.

    * In the score for the film “The Walking Stick,” which Myers was working on, John heard a three-bar phrase.

    * This phrase later developed into “Cavatina,” which was used in the movie “The Deer Hunter” and became John’s signature tune.


* Musical development and ideology:.

    * In the 1970s, John began to explore many possibilities beyond the confines of classical music.

    * His collaborations with the Chilean group Inti Illimani and with Maria Farandouri of Greece are examples of his musical development and thoughtfulness.

John Williams has been immortalized in the music world for his diverse musical activities and unique musical perspective.



1979 Formation of the fusion group SKY


John Williams is widely recognized as a master of the classical guitar, but his musical explorations transcend genre boundaries.

The debut album of SKY, released in the early summer of 1979, sent shockwaves through the classical music world.

Although denounced by some as “treacherous” and “whimsical,” Williams remained calm and emphasized that the project did not mark the end of his classical music career.

Although these challenges were criticized by some classical guitarists and fans, Williams himself remains committed to pursuing music he believes in, regardless of genre.

Although Williams has been highly acclaimed for his outstanding technique since his youth, some have called his playing “lacking in warmth” and “mechanical.

However, as Williams gained experience, his playing became deeper and these criticisms gradually faded away.

It is said that the guitar he used had a great influence on the change in his playing style.

Williams also began to pursue a more experimental sound, with a growing interest in fusion music, even though it was based on classical music.

Although he was sometimes criticized by core classical fans and the media, he continued to broaden his musical horizons by incorporating electric guitar.

His collaborations with Julian Bream and John Myers show that Williams was a well-rounded artist during this period.

SKY was John Williams’ first serious foray into jazz/fusion, and the group’s boldness was met with controversy.

However, for the next five years, Williams devoted himself to his work with “SKY” and continued his energetic musical career.

He spent his five years with “SKY” alongside classical music record releases and concert tours, giving guitar enthusiasts a sense of security.

There is also a misconception that he played the electric guitar, when in fact he used it on only four of the more than 50 songs in “SKY’s” repertoire.

The electric guitar was primarily handled by Kevin Peek, while Williams focused on the acoustic instrument.

Over time, he began using Takamine electro-acoustic guitars in his live performances.

The attitude of the classical music establishment is well illustrated by John Duarte’s review of the first SKY album in Gramophone magazine.

He states, “What could an artist who set the standard to which others aspire by playing guitar masterpieces find in such inconsequential music?” but such criticisms became meaningless when the album achieved a high position on the LP charts.



John William and Julian Bream


The relationship between John Williams and Julian Bream was important in the world of classical guitar, and their talent and collaboration helped to create a new movement.

John Williams could not ignore Julian Bream as he built his career as a guitarist.

Julian Bream was instrumental in raising the status of the guitar in the world of classical music at a time when Segovia was expanding the world of classical guitar all over the world.

Bream focused on creating new repertoire and commissioned new works from British classical composers.

John Williams, on the other hand, preferred to approach and absorb other musical streams, such as folk, jazz, and pop.

The two played together, and the world of classical guitar was enlivened by the brilliance of their amazing talents.

Williams himself said, “We are not at all alike in the way we play, but we are not two musicians, we are an ensemble, and together we create magic.”



On being Australian

I have spent most of my life in England, but if I had to define myself, I would say I feel more Australian than British, and more Londoner than anything else.

I have a special attachment to Australia, and its people have a wonderful blend of inquisitiveness and creativity that is uniquely American. I deeply identify with that attitude and mindset.

Australians are outspoken and value the ability to express themselves in a concise manner.
They do not look down on other countries and have their own voice in the arts and music.

While many people left Australia in the 1950s and 1960s for cultural reasons, those who stayed have forged a culture of their own.



Music of John Williams

Featured Albums


* “The Great Paraguayan” (1995).

This album of works by Paraguayan composer Barrios has led to a reappraisal of this little-known master of music history. This album offers a variety of styles of Barrios’ music.


* “Magic Box” (2001).

Featuring African music, this album demonstrates John Williams’ wide range of musical exploration.


* “El Diablo Suerto” (2001).

Focusing on Venezuelan music, this work evokes the rhythms and passions of Latin America.


* “Ultimate Guitar Collection” (2001).

This album is a collection of masterpieces selected from John Williams’ extensive repertoire and showcases his versatility and expressiveness.



This album features compositions by composers from the North, Central, and South American continents, offering a taste of the essence of guitar music from the Americas.



Film music with orchestra, especially the solo guitar arrangement of “Schindler’s List,” which is also known as the work of John Williams (another master of film music).


This album of arrangements of his own compositions and Irish folk songs showcases John Williams’ creativity and arranging talent.



An album for learning and discovery, including Yukihiro Yokoo’s “Sakura Variations” and his own compositions, which are important repertoire for guitarists.






  • 2011 John Williams and Richard Harvey’s World Tour, Message to the Future (DVD) Altus
  • 2011 The Guitarist 3CD Set Sony BMG
  • 2010 Cavatina – The Complete Fly & Cube Recordings (2CD) (C) Salvo
  • 2010 The Beginning of a Legend Volumes I & II(C) Dynamic
  • 2009 The Guitar Is Their Song (DVD) Mel Bay
  • 2009 Andre Previn 80th Birthday Celebration Sony BMG
  • 2009 Virtuoso Guitar (C) Essential Media
  • 2008 From a Bird JCW
  • 2008 Pure Acoustic West One Music
  • 2006 Places Between Sony
  • 2006 Great Performances – Bach Lute Suites (C) Sony
  • 2005 Simple Gifts Deutsche Grammophon
  • 2005 Testament BBC/Testament
  • 2005 The Essential John Williams (2CD) (C) Metro
  • 2004 The Ultimate Guitar Collection (2CD) (C) Sony
  • 2004 Rosemary and Thyme Sanctuary Classics
  • 2003 El Diablo Suelto Sony
  • 2003 The Seville Concert (Expanded Edition) Sony
  • 2003 The Guitarist (Expanded Edition) Sony
  • 2002 Guitar Music (3CD) (C) Sony
  • 2002 Spanish Dreams (C) Sony
  • 2001 Perpetual Motion Sony
  • 2001 Invocación Y Danza (C) Sony
  • 2001 John Williams Plays Bach (C) Sony “Music For You”
  • 2001 The Magic Box Sony
  • 2000 English Guitar Music (C) Essential Classics
  • 2000 The Essential John Williams (C) Metro
  • 2000 Classic Williams – Romance of the Guitar (C) Sony
  • 1999 Plague and the Moonflower Altus
  • 1999 When Night Falls Sony
  • 1999 The Prayer Cycle Sony
  • 1999 Schubert and Giuliani Sony
  • 1996 Great Performances – Rodrigo (C) Sony
  • 1999 Guitar Moods (C) Decca
  • 1999 Bach and Scarlatti (C) Belart
  • 1999 Spanish Guitar Favourites (C) Decca
  • 1998 The Guitarist Sony
  • 1998 In My Life MCA
  • 1997 Great Expectations Atlantic
  • 1997 The Very Best of John Williams (C) Crimson
  • 1997 The Black Decameron Sony
  • 1996 John Williams Plays the Movies (and The World of John Williams) Sony
  • 1996 Bach Lute Music: Volume 2 (C) Essential Classics
  • 1996 Bach Lute Music: Volume 1 (C) Essential Classics
  • 1996 Paganini, Scarlatti, Giuliani & Villa-Lobos (C) Essential Classics
  • 1996 Dodgson and Rodrigo (C) Essential Classics
  • 1996 Concertos by Harvey and Gray Sony
  • 1996 The Mantis & the Moon Sony
  • 1995 George Martin presents the Medici Quartet Classic FM
  • 1994 The Guitar Album (C) Sony (Holland only)
  • 1994 Julian Bream and John Williams Ultimate Collection (C) BMG
  • 1994 The Great Paraguayan (From The Jungles of Paraguay) Sony
  • 1994 Nigel Westlake: Onomatopoeia Tall Poppies
  • 1994 From Australia Sony
  • 1993 Together (Expanded Edition on CD) RCA
  • 1993 Together Again (Expanded Edition on CD) RCA
  • 1993 The Seville Concert Sony
  • 1992 Iberia Sony
  • 1992 Takemitsu Sony
  • 1991 Benjamin Verdery: Some Towns and Cities Newport Classic NDP85519
  • 1991 The Best of John Williams (C) Music Club
  • 1991 Rodrigo, Giuliani and Vivaldi (C) Essential Classics
  • 1991 Latin American Guitar Music by Barrios and Ponce (C) Essential Classics
  • 1991 Guitar Recital (C) Decca
  • 1990 Spanish Guitar Music (C) Essential Classics
  • 1990 Vivaldi Concertos Sony
  • 1990 Bach: Four Lute Suites (C) CBS
  • 1990 Leyenda CBS
  • 1989 The Golden Guitar (C) CBS
  • 1989 Rodrigo and Albéniz (C) CBS
  • 1989 Rodrigo Concertos (C) CBS
  • 1989 Guitar Concertos (2CD) (C) CBS
  • 1989 Spanish Guitar Favourites (C) CBS
  • 1989 The Great Guitar Concertos (2CD) (C) CBS
  • 1989 Spirit of the Guitar: Music of the Americas CBS/Sony
  • 1988 John Williams – The Collection (C) Castle
  • 1988 The Baroque Album CBS/Sony
  • 1988 A Fish Called Wanda Milan
  • 1987 Unforgettable John Williams (C) Castle
  • 1987 The World of John Williams (C) K-Tel
  • 1987 Fragments of a Dream CBS/ Sony
  • 1987 Paul Hart Concerto for Guitar and Jazz Orchestra CBS/Sony
  • 1987 Emma’s War Filmtrax
  • 1986 Le Grand Classique (C) CBS/Guy Laroche
  • 1986 The Essential Collection (C) Castle
  • 1986 Classic Aid: Concert in Aid of The UNHCR CBS
  • 1986 Echoes of London CBS
  • 1985 Hounds of Love EMI Manhattan
  • 1985 Bach, Handel, Marcello: Concertos CBS/Sony
  • 1984 Rodrigo CBS
  • 1983 Cadmium … Ariola
  • 1983 The Guitar is the Song: A Folksong Collection CBS/Sony
  • 1983 Let The Music Take You CBS/QNote
  • 1983 The Honorary Consul Island (single)
  • 1983 Sky Five Live Ariola
  • 1982 Portrait of John Williams CBS/Sony
  • 1982 Just Guitars: A Concert in Aid of The Samaritans CBS
  • 1982 Sky Forthcoming Ariola
  • 1982 John Williams and Peter Hurford Play Bach CBS
  • 1981 Sky 3 Ariola
  • 1981 Echoes of Spain – Albeniz CBS
  • 1981 Great Performances: Rodrigo (C) CBS
  • 1980 Sky 2 Ariola
  • 1980 The Guitar Music of John Williams (C) Tellydisc
  • 1980 Guitar Festival (C) Cube Holland
  • 1980 The Platinum Collection (2LP) (C) Cube Records
  • 1980 Bridges (C) Lotus Music/K-Tel
  • 1980 Guitar Quintets CBS
  • 1979 Spotlight on John Williams (2LP) (C) Cube Records
  • 1979 Morning Sky (C) Cube Records
  • 1979 John Williams at His Best (C) Neon
  • 1979 Cavatina(C) Cube Records
  • 1979 The Deer Hunter Capitol
  • 1979 The Secret Policeman’s Ball Island
  • 1979 Sky Ariola
  • 1979 Recollections (C) CBS
  • 1979 Julian Bream & John Williams Live RCA
  • 1979 John Williams plays Stephen Dodgson (C) CBS
  • 1978 Manuel Ponce CBS
  • 1978 Travelling Cube Records
  • 1978 John Williams Collection (C) CBS
  • 1978 John Williams Plays Paganini (C) CBS
  • 1978 Stevie CBS
  • 1978 Malcolm Arnold and Leo Brouwer Concertos CBS
  • 1977 Mermaid Frolics Polydor
  • 1977 John Williams ~ Barrios CBS
  • 1977 Castenuovo-Tedesco, Arnold and Dodgson Concertos CBS
  • 1977 Guitar Recital (Double LP) (C) Decca
  • 1977 John Williams plays Bach and Scarlatti (C) Decca
  • 1977 John Williams plays Spanish Favourites (C) Decca
  • 1977 John Williams Plays Patrick Gowers (C) CBS
  • 1977 The Sly Cormorant Argo (Decca)
  • 1976 Villa-Lobos and Scarlatti (C) CBS
  • 1976 John Williams and Friends CBS
  • 1976 Duos CBS
  • 1976 Best Friends RCA
  • 1975 Bach: Complete Lute Music CBS
  • 1974 John Williams’ Greatest Hits (C) CBS
  • 1974 Rodrigo & Villa-Lobos CBS
  • 1974 Together Again (a.k.a. Julian and John 2) RCA
  • 1974 Rhapsody CBS
  • 1974 Schoenberg: Serenade Decca
  • 1973 The Height Below Cube Records
  • 1973 “John Williams” (C) Japan
  • 1973 Music from England, Japan, Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina and Mexico CBS
  • 1972 Recuerdos de la Alhambra (C) Japan
  • 1972 John Williams Plays More Spanish Music and Other Favourites (C) CBS
  • 1972 Greatest Hits-The Guitar (C) Columbia
  • 1972 Previn and Ponce Concertos CBS
  • 1972 Gowers Chamber Concerto, Scarlatti Sonatas CBS
  • 1972 Together (a.k.a. Julian and John) RCA
  • 1972 Guitar Recital (I & II) (C) Ace of Diamonds
  • 1971 Music for Guitar and Harpsichord CBS
  • 1971 Pomegranite Cube Records (7″ single)
  • 1971 Changes Cube Records
  • 1971 200 Motels United Artists
  • 1971 The Raging Moon EMI
  • 1971 Songs of Freedom – Theodorakis CBS
  • 1970 Webern: Complete Works CBS/Philips
  • 1970 John Williams Plays Spanish Music CBS
  • 1969 Songs for Voice and Guitar CBS
  • 1969 Concertos by Vivaldi and Giuliani CBS
  • 1969 Virtuoso Variations for Guitar CBS
  • 1968 Haydn and Paganini CBS
  • 1968 Two Guitar Concertos (Rodrigo and Dodgson) CBS
  • 1967 More Virtuoso Music for Guitar CBS
  • 1965 Two Guitar Concertos (Rodrigo and Castelnuovo-Tedesco) CBS
  • 1965 Virtuoso Music For Guitar CBS
  • 1964 CBS [Columbia] Records Presents John Williams CBS
  • 1963 Tom Krause Recital: Songs by Sibelius and Strauss London
  • 1963 Jacqueline du Pré: Recital EMI
  • 1963 Twenty Studies for Guitar Westminster
  • 1962 Schoenberg: Serenade L’Oiseau-Lyre
  • 1961 A Spanish Guitar Westminster
  • 1961 Folk-Songs L’Oiseau-Lyre
  • 1958 Guitar Recital Volumes 1 & 2 Delysé
John Williams / ジョン・ウィリアムズ (1941年 - )Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏家、作曲家】
>Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel: 070-1402-6029 (Japan)   Email:

Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel: 070-1402-6029 (Japan)   Email: