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Matteo Carcassi – マテオ・カルカッシ(1792-1853)【 クラシックギターの巨匠、作曲家】
- 1792年 – イタリアのフィレンツェで生まれる。
- 幼少期からピアノとギターを学び始め、音楽の 才能を発揮する。
- 1808年 – 16歳で演奏活動を開始。
- 1810年 – イタリア国内での成功を経て、18歳でドイツへ演奏旅行に出る。
- 1816年 – ナポレオン戦争に兵士として従軍した後、パリに移住し、退役軍人として年金を受給しながら音楽活動を行う。
- 1820年 – ドイツでの称賛を受けた後、再びパリへ戻る。
- 1822年 – ロンドンで大成功を収め、その後もパリ、ロンドン、ドイツで定期的に演奏を行い、名声を高める。
- 1824年 – パリの主要なコンサートホールで演奏活動を続け、フランスの音楽シーンで重要な地位を確立。
- 1836年 – 演奏会出演を兼ねてイタリアに帰国。
- 1840年 – 演奏活動を停止、ギターとピアノの教育に専念。
- この時期に自作を出版し、パリに定住。
- 1853年 – パリで亡くなる。
- 彼の死後も、彼の作品は多くのギタリストによって演奏され続けています。

Carcassi 代表的な作品リスト
- ソナチネとロンド (Op.1 – Op.2)
- 小品集 (Op.3 – Op.11)
- Op.12からOp.19
- 練習曲集 (Op.59 – Op.60)
In English:
Matteo Carcassi (1792-1853) is an important figure in the history of the classical guitar and his educational works are still widely used today.
- 1792 – Born in Florence, Italy.
- 1808 – At the age of 16, he begins to play the piano and the guitar, and shows great musical talent.
- 1808 – Begins performing at age 16.
- 1810 – After a successful career in Italy, at the age of 18 he travels to Germany to perform.
- 1816 – After serving as a soldier in the Napoleonic Wars, he moves to Paris, where he receives a pension as a veteran soldier and performs music.
- 1820 – After receiving accolades in Germany, he returns to Paris.
- 1822 – He had great success in London, and continued to increase his fame by performing regularly in Paris, London, and Germany.
- 1824 – Continues to perform in the major concert halls of Paris, establishing an important position on the French music scene.
- 1836 – Returned to Italy for concert appearances.
- 1840 – Ceased performing and devoted himself to teaching guitar and piano.
- Published his own works during this period and settled in Paris.
- 1853 – Dies in Paris.
- Even after his death, his works continue to be performed by many guitarists.
Carcassi published more than 80 works, most notably his pedagogical work
The Carcassi Guitar Manual (Op. 59)
25 Exercises (Op. 60)
are considered to be very important resources for guitar education.
He also composed guitar accompaniments for hundreds of French songs, which became his main source of income.
Matteo Carcassi’s works occupy an important place in the classical guitar repertoire.
His works cover a wide range of musicality, from technical exercises to beautiful melodies, and are an essential collection of exercises for guitarists.
Sonatina and Rondo (Op.1 – Op.2)
Op.1 and Op.2 contain three sonatinas and three brilliant rondos, respectively, and reveal Carcassi’s technical and expressive abilities, despite the fact that these are early works.
Pieces (Op.3 – Op.11)
Op.3 to Op.11, 12 pieces, 6 waltzes, and other short pieces in a variety of styles.
These are not only useful for improving one’s playing technique, but can also be enjoyed as concert pieces.
Variations and Fantasies (Op.12 – Op.19)
Op.12 – Op.19 contain variations and fantasies based on operatic airs such as Trois tames variées and Robin des bois, which highlight Carcassi’s creativity and technical sophistication.
The Practice Pieces (Op.59 – Op.60)
Particularly well-known are Op.59, Complete Method for Guitar, and Op.60, 25 Exercises.
These are still used today by many guitarists and educational institutions as exercises to ensure the improvement of the guitarist’s basic skills.
Carcassi’s works balance the musical beauty and technical demands of the period, making them excellent teaching materials for the classical guitar student, not only for technical improvement, but also for deepening musical expression.
Through his work, guitarists can develop both technical mastery and musical sensitivity.
Carcassi revolutionized the way the guitar was played by using a fingertip technique that did not require the use of fingernails.
Today, however, the fingernail technique is still the main method of playing the guitar.
In order to achieve stability of form, he modified a chair and devised a platform to be placed under the left foot on which the guitar rests.
He is also known as the first person to use the “footrest,” an important tool for form in the modern age.
The preface to Carcassi’s “Complete Method for the Guitar” (Op. 60):
The following preface to his instructional book expresses his philosophy of teaching: “I have prepared these instructions for the guitar, and they are the first of their kind in the world.
I have not prepared these instructions with the intention of publishing a scholarly work. I only wish to make the practice of the guitar easier by means of a guide based on the simplest, clearest, and most accurate method that will enable you to deepen all your faculties concerning this instrument.
Matteo Carcassi and his music and pedagogy continue to be influential in classical guitar playing today.
Studying his methodology and works is of great value in honing one’s skills as a guitarist.