右指アルペジオパターン練習方法 / Right Finger Arpeggio Patterns

右指アルペジオパターン練習方法 / Right Finger Arpeggio Patterns

🟦   Please scroll down for English







そのパターンや形を覚えて練習することで、右手の指の柔軟性、速度、正確さを向上させ、 いろいろな曲に応用させることができます。









  • 新しい曲で初めて出てくるフレーズやアルペジオは、手に形がついていないと、多くの練習が必要になります。
  • 多くの曲をこなしていくと、初めて弾く曲でも、他曲で練習した同様のパターンが出てくることが多々あります。    
  • フレーズやパターンを積み上げて増やしていくことで、仕上げを早く、そして初見を容易にします
  • 右指のアルペジオパターンを練習することで、右手の指の動きがスムーズになります。















🟦    基本的なパターンを覚える





  • まず、CコードとEコードを使って、親指と人差し指、中指を使ったスペイン風の曲のアルペジオによく出てくるパターンを練習します。
  • 親指でメロディーとなる低音源、そして人差し指中指で伴奏となるコードのアルペジオを弾きます。このパターンは、p, i, m と表記されます。
  • Cコードを使って弾くときは、主音であるC – 5弦が親指、人差し指で2弦、そして、中指で1弦を弾きます。このパターンは以下のようになります。





  • Eコードを使って弾くときは、 主音であるE – 6弦を親指、人差し指で2弦、そして、中指で1弦を弾きます。






🟦   次に、Eコードを使って、ロマンスなどで使われる1弦から、2弦、3弦に下に降りてくる、a, m, i のアルペジオを練習します。



  • このパターンは、6弦が親指、 薬指で1弦、中指を2弦、そして人差し指で3弦を弾きます。
  • メロディーとなる薬指1弦にアポヤンドを使用し、音質を整えメロディーを強調します。






🟦    実際の曲で使われる アルペジオパターン練習









禁じられた遊び / 愛のロマンス(ナルシソ・イエペス):



p, a, m, i のパターンを基本に、p と i を同時に弾いて、メロディーを強調します。



✅   特にメロディーとなる薬指で弾く1弦の音色を、アポヤンドを使って、しっかり歌い上げましょう。














右手の指の動きを コントロールしスムーズにすることで、美しい和音やメロディーを奏でることができます。














In English



Practice using right finger arpeggio patterns



In classical guitar, the movement of the right fingers is very important.

In particular, the technique of playing chords by shifting the strings, called arpeggio, has various patterns and shapes and is used in many songs.

By learning and practicing these patterns and shapes, you can improve the flexibility, speed, and accuracy of your right hand fingers and apply them to a variety of songs.

Also, when you start playing a new piece, the patterns you have already practiced will often appear, making it easier to play the piece for the first time.

In this article, we will show you how to practice using these right finger arpeggio patterns.



Importance of practicing right finger arpeggio patterns

* Phrases and arpeggios that appear for the first time in a new song will require a lot of practice if they are not shaped in your hand.

* After working through many songs, you will often find similar patterns that you have practiced in other songs, even if you are playing them for the first time.    

* Building up and increasing the number of phrases and patterns will help you finish faster and make your first time easier.

* Practicing arpeggio patterns on the right finger will help smooth out the fingerings of the right hand.

Arpeggios are not only about shifting strings and playing chords, but also about rhythmic intervals, strength, and tone.

This requires coordination of the right hand fingers. Practicing right finger arpeggio patterns will help you develop your control.




How to practice right finger arpeggio patterns

There are many ways to practice right finger arpeggio patterns, but here are two basic patterns

Memorize the basic patterns.


* First, using the C and E chords, practice a pattern that often appears in arpeggios in Spanish-style songs using the thumb, index, and middle fingers.

* Play the arpeggio of the bass note source that serves as the melody with your thumb, and the chord that serves as the accompaniment with your index and middle fingers. This pattern is denoted as p, i, m.

* When playing with the C chord, the thumb plays the primary note, C – 5th string, the index finger plays the second string, and the middle finger plays the first string. This pattern is as follows.

* When playing with the E chord, the principal note, E – 6, is plucked by the thumb, index finger on the second string, and middle finger on the first string.



🟦       Next, using the E chord, practice the a, m, i arpeggio from the first string down to the second and third strings, as used in romance.


* In this pattern, the sixth string is played by the thumb, ring finger on the first string, middle finger on the second string, and index finger on the third string.

* Use an appoyando on the first string of the ring finger, which is the melody, to improve the sound quality and emphasize the melody.



Arpeggio pattern exercises used in actual songs

Once you have learned the basic patterns, the next step is to practice them on actual songs.

Depending on the song, the basic patterns may be varied, combined, omitted, or added.

Therefore, you need to adjust your right hand fingerings according to the characteristics and mood of the song.



🟦     Forbidden Play / Romance of Love (Narciso Yepez):.


Based on the pattern of p, a, m, i, the p and i are played simultaneously to emphasize the melody.

The tempo and expression of the piece can be changed by widening or narrowing the space between the first string, which serves as the melody, and the second and third strings, which serve as the accompaniment.

In particular, the tone of the first string, which is played by the ring finger and serves as the melody, should be sung well with the use of an appoyando.

Arpeggio patterns vary from song to song.

However, if you master the basic patterns, you can apply them.

Try to feel the atmosphere and nuance of the song and devise your right hand arpeggio fingerings.



Summary of right finger arpeggio pattern exercises


In this article, we introduced how to practice using right finger arpeggio patterns.

Arpeggios, an essential part of classical guitar, are one of the major attractions of the classical guitar.

By controlling and smoothing the finger movements of the right hand, you can play beautiful chords and melodies.

Also, when you start a new piece, you can often apply the patterns you have practiced in past pieces.

Learn the basic patterns to improve the flexibility, speed, and accuracy of your right hand fingers.

I encourage you to incorporate them into your daily practice.




右指アルペジオパターン練習方法 / Right Finger Arpeggio Patterns
>Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel in JAPAN: (070) 1402-6029 (iMessage) - Email: guitarsho@yahoo.com - (US Text): WhatsApp Contact QR code in “CONTACT” below

Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel in JAPAN: (070) 1402-6029 (iMessage) - Email: guitarsho@yahoo.com - (US Text): WhatsApp Contact QR code in “CONTACT” below