メトロノームは、一定の間隔でリズムを刻み、 指定した拍子や速さを示してくれます。
🟦 リズム感が向上する
一定の拍子や速さを体で感じ取り、 そのリズムを基礎、フレームにして音楽を構築していくことができます
🟦 いろいろな曲のテンポのコントロール感を養うことができる
🟦 自分の中に一定で正確な拍子を作り、そのフレームの中でフレーズを揺らすことができるようになる
🟦 他の人が鳴らしてる音を聴きながら合わせることができる
メトロノーム どこで買う?
以前はメトロノームだけのデバイスを買わなければなりませんでしたが、今はスマートフォン、オンラインなどでただで使えることができるので 大変便利です。
1分間に刻むビートの数 = 100
BPM : Beats Per Minute
🟦 メトロノームの速さを徐々に上げ、下げていき速度を変えながら、同じ曲を弾いてみる
🟦 メトロノームに合わせて、スケールやアルペジオを弾く
🟦 メトロノームの音を聞きながら、リズムパターンを弾く
🟦 メトロノームの速さを一定に保ちながら、曲の中でテンポを変える部分を弾く
🟦 メトロノームの音に合わせて、シンコペーションやオフビートを弾いてみる
メトロノームは、ギターの練習において 大変重要な有効なツールです。
In English / Guitar practice using a metronome
A metronome is a guitar practice using a metronome, which ticks a rhythm at regular intervals and indicates the beat and speed of the notes.
It can help soloists and guitarists check for rhythmic ambiguity and develop a sense of rhythm in their practice.
🟦 It improves your sense of rhythm.
You can feel a certain beat or speed in your body and use that rhythm as a foundation, a frame, on which to build your music
🟦 Can develop a sense of control over the tempo of various songs
🟦 You will be able to create a constant and precise beat within yourself and sway phrases within that frame
🟦 I can listen to what others are sounding and match them.
When the metronome reads 100, it means that it plays 100 times per minute.
The following shows the speed at which you can count a quarter note 100 times per minute.
🟦 beats per minute = 100
This metronome symbol is displayed as “BPM” instead of a musical note.
BPM : Beats Per Minute
To begin with, let’s practice stamping your feet or clapping your hands to the metronome to get the rhythm into your body, not into your fingers!
🟦 Play the same song while gradually increasing and decreasing the speed of the metronome and changing the speed.
🟦 Play scales and arpeggios in time with the metronome.
🟦 Play rhythm patterns while listening to the metronome
🟦 Play parts of a song that change tempo while keeping the speed of the metronome constant
🟦 Play syncopations and off-beats in time with the metronome
When playing, you may end up hearing only your own notes and not the others.
Increase, decrease, or keep constant the speed of the metronome so that you can change the speed of the music at will and control the tempo.
This was about how to practice guitar using a metronome.
The metronome is a very important and effective tool for guitar practice.
Hope you will try practicing guitar with a metronome.