Miguel Llobet Solés / ミゲル・リョベート(1878~1938)Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】

Miguel Llobet Solés / ミゲル・リョベート(1878~1938)Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】

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Miguel Llobet Solés / ミゲル・リョベート(1878~1938)Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】









































・1889年、アントニオ・ヒメネス・マンホン(Antonio Jiménez Manjón)のギター演奏に接したことをきっかけにギターに転向し、マヒン・アレグレ(Magí Alegre)に師事。
・1892年10月に初めてフランシスコ・タレガ(Francisco Tárrega)に演奏を聴いてもらう。
・1900年にタレガの庇護者コンセプション・ハコビ(Concepción Huguet)と出会い、リョベートもその支援を受けて国際的な活動に乗り出す。
・1904年にパリでリカルド・ビニェス(Ricardo Viñes)の企画により、生涯最初の外国での演奏活動を行う。













































































































































・Study in E Major 器楽曲 1899
・Estilo 器楽曲
・Canciones populares catalanas (arr. for viola and piano) 室内楽 1918
・Canciones populares catalanas (arr. for harpsichord) 器楽曲 1918
・4 Folksongs 器楽曲 1910
・13 Catalan Folksongs (arr. P. Binkley) 室内楽 1920
・13 Catalan Folksongs (arr. A. Segovia) 器楽曲
・10 Canciones populares catalanas (arr. C. Duncan) 室内楽
 Romanza・ 器楽曲 1896
・練習曲 ホ短調
 Estudio en mi mayor・ 器楽曲
 Estudio・ 器楽曲
 Respuesta – Impromptu・ 器楽曲 1922
 Leonesa・ 器楽曲
 Leonesa (From Leon)・ 器楽曲
 La Preso de Lleida (The prison at Lleida)・ 器楽曲 1918
 Mazurka・ 器楽曲 1901
 Plany (Lamentation)・ 器楽曲 1918
 Mazurka for Federico Bufaletti・ 器楽曲 1901
 La Pastoreta (The little shepherd girl)・ 器楽曲 1918
 Lo Rossinyol (The nightingale)・ 器楽曲 1918
 Canco del lladre (Thief’s Song)・ 器楽曲
 Canco de Lladre (Thief’s song)・ 器楽曲 1918
・ソルの主題による変奏曲 Op.15
 Variations on a Theme of Sor, Op. 15*・ 器楽曲 1908
 Seguidillas・ 室内楽
・聖母の御子(C. ロメロによるギター編)
 El noy de la mare (arr. C. Romero for guitar)・ 器楽曲
 El noy de la mare・ 器楽曲
 Scherzo-vals・ 器楽曲 1909
 La Filla del Marxant (The Shopkeeper’s Daughter)・ 器楽曲 1918
・商人の娘(編曲:F. バラールト、M.J. ボイラ、D. ムルガダス、H.M. ステファンソン)
 La filla del marxant (arr. F. Ballart, M.J. Boira, D. Murgadas and H.M. Stefansson)・ 器楽曲 1900
 La Nit de Nadal (Christmas Eve)・ 器楽曲 1918
・クラベリトス(編曲:J. バルベルデ)
 Clavelitos (arr. J. Valverde)・ 器楽曲
 Granada・ 室内楽
 Estudio Capricho・ 器楽曲 1899
 Intermezzo・ 器楽曲
・カタルーニャ民謡集 – 盗賊の歌(M-O. デュパンによるパンパイプとギター編)
 Canciones populares catalanas: Canco del Lladre (The Robber’s Song) (arr. M-O. Duipin for panpipe, guitar)・ 室内楽
・カタルーニャ民謡集 – ナイチンゲール(L. ロスパッルーティによるギターとマンドリン・アンサンブル版)
 Canciones populares catalanas: Lo Rossinyol (arr. L. Lospalluti for guitar and mandolin ensemble)・ 室内楽 1918
 Canciones populares catalanas (version for guitar and mandolin ensemble)・ 室内楽 1918
 Canciones populares catalanas・ 器楽曲 1918
 Lo Fill del Rei (King’s son)・ 器楽曲 1918
 El mestre (The Master)・ 器楽曲 1900
 La Filadora (The spinner woman)・ 器楽曲 1918
 Estilo Popular Argentino No. 2・ 器楽曲
 Estilo Popular Argentino No. 1・ 器楽曲
 Canciones populares catalanas: El testament d’Amelia (Amelia’s Testament)・ 器楽曲 1918
 L’Hereu Riera (Heir Riera)・ 器楽曲 1918
・L’Hostal de la Peira (編曲:F. バラールト、M.J. ボイラ、D. ムルガダス、H.M. ステファンソン)
 L’Hostal de la Peira (arr. F. Ballart, M.J. Boira, D. Murgadas and H.M. Stefansson)・ 器楽曲 1900
・受胎告知(編曲:F. バラールト、M.J. ボイラ、D. ムルガダス、H.M. ステファンソン)
 L’anunciacio (arr. F. Ballart, M.J. Boira, D. Murgadas and H.M. Stefansson)・ 器楽曲 1900
Estilo Popular Argentino 器楽曲 1926
・カタルーニャ民謡集 – アメリアの遺言(C. ロメロによるギター編)
 Canciones populares catalanas: El testament d’Amelia (Amelia’s Testament) (arr. C. Romero for guitar)・ 器楽曲 1918
 5 Preludes・ 器楽曲 1935
 13 Catalan Folksongs・ 器楽曲 1920
・10のカタルーニャ民謡 – 第6曲 盗賊の歌(C. デノートによるギター編)
 Canciones populares catalanas: Canco del Lladre (The Robber’s Song) (arr. C. Denoth for guitar)・ 器楽曲 1918













In English



Miguel Llobet Solés (1878-1938) Classical Guitarist



Classical guitarist and composer from Barcelona, a great brother of Tárrega and a mentor of Segovia.

He gained international acclaim through his guitar arrangements, performances and recordings of local folk songs such as “The Testament of Princess Amelia” and “The Thieves’ Song”.

He has influenced composers Debussy, Falla, and Hindemith, as well as guitarist Andres Segovia.

His post-Talega work has made a significant contribution to the classical guitar world as the most prominent guitarist before Segovia and worldwide.




Early Stages


Because his father was a sculptor, Lyoubate himself studied art and demonstrated a talent for drawing, painting throughout his life.

He initially studied piano and violin, but a gift of a guitar from an uncle brought him into contact with the guitar playing of Antonio Jiménez Manhon in 1889.

This encounter led him to study with Mahin Alegre and to turn to the guitar.

This conversion was a major step that would define his musical path.






In 1889, he was exposed to the guitar playing of Antonio Jiménez Manjón, which led him to the guitar, where he studied with Magí Alegre.

In October 1892, he had his first performance with Francisco Tárrega.

Two years later, he studied with Tárrega at the Escola Municipal de Musica de Barcelona.


Llobet observed Tárrega’s playing and tried out his technique at home.

In 1898, he began playing privately for private gatherings.

In 1900, he met Talega’s patron, Concepción Huguet, and with his support, Llobato began his international activities.

In 1901, he gave his first public performance at the Conservatory of Valencia. In the same year, he also performed at the conservatories of Sevilla and Málaga, where he received the title of professor emeritus from the latter.

In 1903, he gave a public performance for the Spanish royal family in Madrid.

In 1904, he gave the first foreign performance of his life in Paris, organized by Ricardo Viñes.

In 1905, he moved to Paris, where he performed in prestigious organizations such as the Schola Cantorum and the National Music Society.

In 1910, he moved to Buenos Aires. While there, he continued to perform in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In 1912, he made his U.S. debut, giving concerts in Boston, Philadelphia, and New York City.

He then returned to Paris. Over the next few years, he performed throughout Europe, especially in Belgium and the Netherlands. He was especially active in Belgium and the Netherlands.

From 1913 to 1914, he performed throughout Germany.

At the outbreak of World War I, he returns to Buenos Aires and continues his tour of the Americas.

He made at least one recording attempt from 1912 to 1917. However, he “tried to make a recording at Bell Laboratories in Brunswick, New Jersey, but was not satisfied with the sound.

In 1912, 1914, and 1917, he made concert tours along the East Coast of the United States.

From 1920 to 1921, he played in Spain, and toured throughout Germany (Munich, Leipzig, Dresden, Cologne, and Stuttgart).

In 1924, he again traveled throughout Germany and Austria, and in 1925, he gave a concert in the United States.

In 1930 and 1931, he toured Europe again, visiting London, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, and Bologna.

Hindemith declared his intention to compose a guitar piece after hearing Ljovet play in 1930, but he never went through with it.

Hindemith’s only surviving guitar piece is “Rondo for Three Guitars,” composed in 1925, before he was inspired by Lyobate.

From 1932 to 1934, he taught the young Cuban performer José Rey de la Torre at his home in Barcelona.

By this time, he seems to have played very little, but he never lost touch with the art world.

Although Lyobate enjoyed a shabby life of seclusion, he did meet with several leading artists at his Barcelona mansion.

Falla always visited the house of Llobate when he visited Barcelona, and Emilio Pujol was also a regular guest.

Rey de la Torre, who was the most frequent student of Riobate’s, recalls, “Not many people visited Riobate.


Llobet was a frequent visitor to concerts, and he and his wife would travel to venues close to his home.




A Legacy of Music


Llobet continued his international success in his performances and recordings, even without the technical flourishes of Segovia or Narciso Yepes.

His influence extended to Claude Debussy, Manuel de Falla, and Paul Hindemith.

Just as his fellow countryman Casals arranged the Catalan folk song “The Song of the Birds” and made it his trademark, so too did Lyoubate arrange the local folk song “The Testament of Amelia. This folk song, which he featured in his performances and recordings, brought immortality to the melody.


Llobet’s achievements as a composer have been undergoing reevaluation in recent years.

A complete collection of his guitar works (original edition) has been published, with scores revised by Ronald Purcell.

Most of his works are small pieces and arrangements of folk songs, but he also left us his “Variations on a Theme by Sol,” Op. 15.

His music continues to be loved by many people today.





Early Electric Recording of the Classical Guitar



María Luisa Anido, born in 1907, was a prominent classical guitarist who died in 1997.

She was the daughter of her father, Juan Anido, who taught her from him in 1923.

Anido played an important role in María Riobate’s South American debut.

The two formed a duo by 1925, and around 1930 they recorded Ljovate’s arrangements for the Odeon-Parlophon label.

The recordings, which were later distributed by the Decca label, are known as the earliest electric recordings of classical guitar.

Llobet himself made biographical recordings from Barcelona alone on the Parlophone label, and these recordings hold an important place in the history of the classical guitar.

The recordings of María Anido and María Llobato together are particularly well known, and a record from 1925 is a prime example.

The first classical guitar blowing was done by Agustin Barrios Mangole in 1910, and many guitarists have evolved electric blowing since then.

María Anido and María Llobet are notable among them, and their music continues to be loved by many people today.




The relationship between Segovia and Llobet



While working in Spain around 1915, Llobet mentored Andrés Segovia, who would later become her number one student.

However, Segovia referred to himself in his autobiography as a self-taught musician, rarely sought advice from Llobet

, and confidently stated that he was not influenced by Llobet in his playing technique.




Segovia’s Playing Style


Segovia incorporated Tarrega’s principles into his playing style and technique, and his influence can be seen in Llobet.

At the age of 22, Segovia studied the refined playing techniques of Llobato, whom he recognized as a direct link to Tarrega, and pursued the music composed by Llobet and Tarrega.




Andrés Segovia.


Andrés Segovia was born in Linares, Jaen, Spain, in 1893.

He was introduced to the guitar at the age of four and gave his first concert in Spain at the age of 16.

He overcame obstacles from his family and disrespect from his students and continued to improve his guitar playing.

Segovia learned and developed the Talega technique in the salons of Talega’s great brothers Miguel Lyoubate and Emilio Pujol.

His playing technique added a bright staccato and a touch of pressing the strings with the head and plucking from the nails, thus striving toward a classical musical sound that classical guitar players were trying to break away from flamenco and mandolin.

Segovia’s playing astonished audiences, and the guitar became recognized as suitable not only for popular music but also for classical music.

He felt that existing guitars were inadequate for large performance venues and worked with instrument makers to improve playing techniques and the natural volume of the instrument.

This led to the design of the classical guitar as we know it today.

He became famous in the United States in 1928 and influenced composers.

Segovia himself arranged much classical music and revived Talega’s arrangements.

He taught many students and his famous students include Alirio Diaz and Koen Matsuda.

Segovia died at the age of 94, and his legacy continues to influence many.




Catalan Folk Song Collection


The “Catalan Folk Songs,” which is familiar to many guitar lovers, is represented by a small piece of songful music that fully demonstrates the tone of the guitar.

This collection of folk songs, with its beautiful blend of music and instrumentation, is a masterpiece that the classical guitar can be proud of.

This collection of folk songs includes relatively long pieces of about three minutes in length, as well as lovely pieces like “Uguisu,” which is less than a minute long.

The thirteen songs include “The Virgin’s Son,” which Segovia is known for playing, “The Thieves’ Song,” which is popular for its melody, “The Merchant’s Daughter,” which uses harmonics throughout, “Lamentations,” “Liela the Hinderer,” “The Prince,” “The Shepherd’s Daughter,” “Frozen December,” “The Spinner,” and “The Prisoner of Lerida,” which would have charmed audiences at the time. The thirteen pieces, “The Prince,” “The Shepherd’s Daughter,” “Frozen December,” “The Spinning Thread,” and “The Prisoner of Lerida,” offer lyrical music that would have captivated audiences of the time.





List of Works


Study in E Major Instrumental Music 1899

Estilo Instrumental Music

Canciones populares catalanas (arr. for viola and piano) Chamber Music 1918

Canciones populares catalanas (arr. for harpsichord) Instrumental Music 1918

4 Folksongs Instrumental 1910

13 Catalan Folksongs (arr. P. Binkley) Chamber Music 1920

13 Catalan Folksongs (arr. A. Segovia) Instrumental Music

10 Canciones populares catalanas (arr. C. Duncan) Chamber music

Romanza, instrumental music 1896

Exercise in E minor
Estudio en mi mayor, instrumental

Exercises in E minor Estudio en mi mayor, instrumental
Estudio, instrumental

Respuesta – Impromptu
Respuesta – Impromptu, Instrumental Music 1922

Leonesa – Instrumental Music

Leonesa (From Leon)
Leonesa (From Leon) – Instrumental Music

The Prison of Lleida
La Preso de Lleida (The prison at Lleida) – Instrumental piece 1918

Mazurka, Instrumental piece 1901

Plany (Lamentation)
Plany (Lamentation) – Instrumental piece 1918

Mazurka for Federico Bufaletti
Mazurka for Federico Bufaletti – Instrumental piece 1901

The little shepherd’s daughter
La Pastoreta (The little shepherd girl) – Instrumental piece 1918

The Nightingale
Lo Rossinyol (The nightingale) – Instrumental piece 1918

The thief’s song
Canco del lladre (Thief’s Song) – Instrumental

The Thief’s Song
Canco de Lladre (Thief’s song) – Instrumental piece 1918

Variations on a Theme of Sor, Op. 15
Variations on a Theme of Sor, Op. 15* – Instrumental Music 1908

Seguidillas Chamber Music

El noy de la mare (The Son of the Virgin, arranged by C. Romero for guitar)
El noy de la mare (arr. C. Romero for guitar), Instrumental Music

El noy de la mare (arr. C. Romero for guitar)
El noy de la mare (arr. C. Romero for guitar) – Instrumental

El noy de la mare (arr. C. Romero for guitar) ・ Scherzo-vals
Scherzo-vals – Instrumental piece 1909

The Merchant’s Daughter
La Filla del Marxant (The Shopkeeper’s Daughter) – Instrumental piece 1918

The Shopkeeper’s Daughter (arr. F. Ballaert, M.J. Boila, D. Murugadas, H.M. Stephenson)
La filla del marxant (arr. F. Ballart, M.J. Boira, D. Murgadas and H.M. Stefansson), Instrumental piece 1900

Christmas Night
La Nit de Nadal (Christmas Eve) – Instrumental piece 1918

Clavelitos (arr. J. Valverde)
Clavelitos (arr. J. Valverde) – Instrumental Music

Granada – Chamber Music

Estudio Capricho
Estudio Capricho, Instrumental Music 1899

Intermezzo – Instrumental Music

Catalan Folk Songs: Song of the Bandit (arranged for panpipes and guitar by M. O. Dupin)
Canciones populares catalanas: Canco del Lladre (The Robber’s Song) (arr. M-O. Duipin for panpipe, guitar), Chamber Music

Catalan Folk Songs: The Nightingale (L. Ross Palluti for guitar and mandolin ensemble)
Canciones populares catalanas: Lo Rossinyol (arr. L. Lospalluti for guitar and mandolin ensemble), chamber music 1918

Catalan Folk Songs (arr. L. Lospalluti for guitar and mandolin ensemble)
Canciones populares catalanas (version for guitar and mandolin ensemble), chamber music 1918

Catalan Folk Songs
Canciones populares catalanas (version for guitar and mandolin ensemble), chamber music 1918

The Prince
Lo Fill del Rei (King’s son) – Instrumental Music 1918

El mestre (The Master)
El mestre (The Master) – Instrumental piece 1900

La Filadora (The spinner)
La Filadora (The spinner woman) – Instrumental piece 1918

Estilo Popular Argentino No. 2
Estilo Popular Argentino No. 2 – Instrumental

Estilo Popular Argentino No. 1
Estilo Popular Argentino No. 1 – Instrumental

Testament of Amelia
Canciones populares catalanas: El testament d’Amelia (Amelia’s Testament) – Instrumental Music 1918

L’Hereu Riera (Heresy of the Riera)
L’Hereu Riera (Heir Riera), instrumental music, 1918

L’Hostal de la Peira (arr. F. Ballaert, M.J. Boila, D. Murugadas, H.M. Stephenson)
L’Hostal de la Peira (arr. F. Ballart, M.J. Boira, D. Murgadas and H.M. Stefansson), Instrumental Music 1900

Annunciation (arr. F. Ballart, M.J. Boira, D. Murgadas and H.M. Stefansson)
L’anunciacio (arr. F. Ballart, M.J. Boira, D. Murgadas and H.M. Stefansson), Instrumental Music 1900

Estilo Popular Argentino, instrumental music 1926

Catalan Folk Songs – Testament of Amelia (arranged for guitar by C. Romero)
Canciones populares catalanas: El testament d’Amelia (Amelia’s Testament) (arr. C. Romero for guitar), Instrumental Music 1918

Five Preludes
5 Preludes – Instrumental Music 1935

13 Catalan Folksongs
13 Catalan Folksongs, Instrumental Music 1920

10 Catalan Folksongs – Song of the Bandit (arranged for guitar by C. Denote)
Canciones populares catalanas: Canco del Lladre (The Robber’s Song) (arr. C. Denoth for guitar), instrumental music 1918





Miguel Llobet Solés / ミゲル・リョベート(1878~1938)Classical Guitarist【 クラシックギター 演奏、作曲家】
>Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel in JAPAN: (070) 1402-6029 (iMessage) - Email: guitarsho@yahoo.com - (US Text): WhatsApp Contact QR code in “CONTACT” below

Guitar Lessons, Performance / Contact    ギター教室 / ギターレッスン     Tel in JAPAN: (070) 1402-6029 (iMessage) - Email: guitarsho@yahoo.com - (US Text): WhatsApp Contact QR code in “CONTACT” below